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Test Tubes POV

I hear my phone buzzing, and I turn and grab it, seeing a face time request from Lightbulb. She's one of my best friends, other than Fan, of course.

"Heeeey! Test Tubular!" Her bright smile fills my small phone screen.

"Hey, Lightbulb!" I grin, hearing Fan stand up behind me and looking at my phone screen

"Hi Lightbulb!" He waves.

"Yo Red Paperman!" She yells, doing a finger-gun.

"What's up?" I ask, and Lightbulb looks a little nervous.

"Ok, so you know Paintbrush, and how I feel about them, right?" She says, her face slightly red, and I nod, having been told of the blonds interest in them, "Well, I was hanging out with them yesterday and they left a sketchbook behind, so I picked it up and I was going to give it back to them but I haven't seen them," she added, "also not to mention I looked in it, and it's not a sketchbook.."

"What is it?" I asked, intrigued.

"I think it's a diary, but it also has a few drawings."

"Woah, you have Paintbrush's diary?! Let me see, my readers are gonna love it!" Fan interrupts,

"Fan, not now! You read their diary?!" I yelled. Paintbrush isn't the most understanding person. They tend to be very... hot-headed... but they're nice when you get to know them.

"Y-yeah, but on accident!" She grinned obliviously.

"How much did you read?" I ask.


"Lightbulb... how much did you read?" I repeated myself.

"All.. all of it?" She shrugged.

"Lightbulb! If you saw it was a diary why did you keep reading it?!" I ask, panicked.

"I-I don't know, I just wanted to see how they felt about me!" She blushed, "T-They talked about me a lot."

I sigh, "whatever, just give it back to them tomorrow and play it cool."

"O-ok," She stutters a bit, "I'll try."

"Thank you."

"Oh, by the way," she sees Fan in the corner of my screen, "Good luck between you and Fan." She adds, smirking evilly and hanging up as I get flustered. I glance at Fan nervously, who seems to have heard and is red faced as well.

"I-I.. uh.. T-That L-Lightbulb, so silly!" I laugh nervously, trying to play it off.

"Y-yeah," Fan adds, equally as embarrassed.

"We should h-head back home.." I say, standing up. Fan nods, grabbing his pin-covered backpack, and we both exit the science lab.

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