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???  POV

I stumble over a fallen log that blocks the path, YinYang, following close behind, bickering with themselves. Sometimes it's annoying, but I don't mind it too much. He has MPD, and also vitiligo, which seems to connect to the two personalities he has.

"Well then let's just ask TB!"says Yin

"Ask me what?" I look back at them, curious.

"Which is better, light or- Well obviously dark is better you idiot" Yang interrupts, and they continue to argue. We head towards the vending machine, and I input the code. YinYang jumps a bit chaotically into the chute, and I follow behind.

"Who the fuck are they?" Yang says a bit loudly.

"Yang, shush! Don't be so rude!" Yin tries to control him.

"Oh, hey TB!" GB yells from the other end of the lab, talking to TestTube, Fan, and two other people who I didn't know. One of them walks over to YinYang.

"You're YinYang?"

"Yeah, so?" Yang retorts

"I'm Taco, you and I have a bit in common. I have MPD." She says. YinYang throws up their eyebrows.

"Oh, is that why you're here?" I ask her, and she nods.

"Well nice to meet you Taco!" Yin smiled

"NOT." Yang yelled, which startled Taco a bit.

"Uh, well I am at least." Yin chuckled a bit. I decided to leave them to mingle and go over to Golf Ball.

"Hey GB! So, new test subject?" I say, stuttering slightly.

"Mhm, she seems pretty stable for someone with her condition, but we'll have to see." She says, nodding and holding a clipboard with experiment ideas and tiny doodles on it, "Test Tube found her at school today." I hear Taco yell 'sourcream' from across the room, followed by nonsense from both of them. It seemed like they were fine talking to each other, which is a relief for me. I was worried that YinYang wouldn't be able to make many friends other than Test Tube, GB, and I.

"You guys have a lot of things in here." I hear the other girl say.

"Sorry, I didn't get your name, what is it?"

"I'm Mic." She says calmly, looking at a half built, human-like robot in the corner of the room, "and what is that?"

"Oh, that's a project TB and I are working on, Flower sorta forced me to make it, but I wanted to try robots anyways." GB says, still looking at the clipboard and making notes. Mic says nothing, continuing to look around. I decided to just talk to GB for a while, while we're still here.

I'll have to say something to her eventually..

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