Chapter 18: Panic Attack

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Peridot's POV: First Person

"Peridot?" Lapis repeated. I gulped into her ear, hoping her eyes had traveled anywhere else except for my wrist.

"Huh?" I responded. "Do you mean the auto-pilot?"

Shaking her head, Lapis turned back around to face me. She crossed her arms, a disappointed look plastered onto her face. Sweat beads formed around my hairline.

"Peridot..." Lapis eyes trailed down my arm. I nonchalantly dragged my left arm behind me, resting my body weight onto it. Her eyes shot back up to mine, annoyance lingering in her expression.

"Lapis." I rubbed my left arm with my right, avoiding eye-contact. Lapis leaned forward, reaching out for my arm. Without thinking, my arm jerked back violently. She frowned.

Lapis rubbed her forehead with her hand, obviously irritated. "Peridot, don't be a baby about this," the bruenette groaned. "I already saw them."

"Saw wha-what?" My voice cracked in the attempt of lying. Lapis was right; I was acting immature about this. But the thought of explaining this all to her...

Shooting her arm forward, Lapis grabbed my right arm, ripping it away from clutching my left. I pushed myself back on the seat, my lower back hitting the end of the leather. I tipped, catching myself with my right hand. In an attempt to balance myself, I threw my left arm forward in a circular motion. A soft hand clutched onto my pale arm.

Lapis pulled me back onto the seat, still holding my forearm. Anxiety raced through my chest, aching to jump into the lake below me. I tried pulling my arm back, only to be returned with a stronger hold from the girl in front of me.

She pulled my arm towards her face, examining it with her eyes. My eyes shot down to where she was, no doubt, looking; the four scars on my wrist. Although they didn't look new, they were deep, leaving scars that had only started healing up. Other than a few strings of pale skin beginning to pull the gaps back together, the scars looked pretty nasty.

I squirmed, my arm begging to be released. Tears dotted my eyes and my throat ached. My breathing hitched as my arm started shaking violently, followed by the rest of my body. Lapis ran her fingers over each cut in turn, her face scrunched in an unreadable expression.

My contacts started clouding from the hot tears now running down my cheeks. I bit my lip to avoid a loud sob leaving my mouth. I peered down into the lake water, regretting not bringing a life jacket.

Lapis looked back up at me with a livid face, before noticing the tears on my face, flowing quickly. My breathing was going at a pace too fast for my lungs to keep up with. Black spots dotted my vision growing larger by the second. Bile rose up my already hurting throat, only making the unbearable pain in my chest worst. The last thing I saw before the black spots connected was Lapis' face, scrunched up in worry.

Lapis' POV: First Person

Peridot let out a last huff before her breathing turned calm again. I screamed in terror as her eyes rolled into the back of her head, falling backwards. Shocked by the sudden reaction, I reached forward too late, letting her fall into the lake. I gasped, but quickly sprung into action.

Leaping forward, I reached for Peridot's sinking body. Grabbing her leg, I steadied the blonde so that I was holding onto her waist. I swam back to the jet-ski as fast as I could, throwing her onto the seat. I was surprised by the sudden strength, but climbed back onto the vehicle.

I rested myself on top of Peridot's legs. She remained still, which worried me. I pressed my thumb against the crook of her neck, praying for a pulse. Tears started falling down my face; this was all my fault. I can't believe I caused her to... whatever the hell that was! She obviously didn't want to talk about it, I should've-

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