Chapter 8: Here

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Lapis POV: First Person

Cute? Did Peridot just say I was cute???

Good thing she turned back to look at the road, or she would've seen my face turn a deep red. Ugh, why do I have to talk so much?

But she called my rambling cute. She had said Before you reveal your biggest secret or something... Uh, yeah, my biggest secret is that I'm gay for you and I'm way too scared to admit it.

Woah, woah, woah, inner me argued, you're not gay, just... questioning.

Yeah, questioning why the hell I'm so awkward.

After we arrived at Peridot's lakehouse, We all took our luggage out of the trunk and rolled them up to the door. Peridot fumbled with the keys for a while before the door finally unlocked.

"Finally," Jasper muttered.

We all walked inside. When I think lakehouse, I would have thought wooden cabin next to a lake. But this was not any ordinary wooden cabin. It was HUGE on the inside. When you immediately walked in, there was a living room with a large tv and two couches. On the left of the living room was the kitchen. The dining room was behind the living room, and across from that was a game room with a pool table, ping pong table, arcade games and foosball.

Large windows made the lake behind us visible. My eyes lit up when I saw it.

Peridot led us upstairs. Amethyst was carrying both her and Pearl's bag.

"Damn, since when have you gotten so strong Amy?" Garnet asked.

Amethyst gave her a toothy smile. "I've been working out."

The second story was eye catching, in my opinion. There was a whole gym set-up, along with an indoor pool. There was a jacuzzi, sauna, showers, everything like that.

Peridot didn't stop here, but decided to climb another floor. I could faintly hear Amethyst panting.

"Welp, this is our final stop," Peridot announced with her arms stretched out.

I took in the room around me. It seemed like there was another living room, but with a bigger couch that seemed like a couch and a king-sized bed had fused (hah get it? no? okay). There were plenty of rooms (I counted 3, but there could be more) along with a few tables and an air hockey table. In both the front and back of the building there were doors that led out to two balconies.

Amethyst could've had stars in her eyes. "This place is AWESOME!"

Jasper scratched her chin. "Woah, Peri, you didn't tell us there was a bar up here."

I looked towards where Jasper's eyes were. There was, in fact, a bar there. Amethyst and Jasper both made a beeline for it.

"Uh yeah," Peridot said, rubbing the back of her neck, "I didn't think it was that important."

Amethyst raised her eyebrows. "Didn't you know that I was coming too?"

Garnet chuckled behind me.

Pearl rolled her eyes. "Amethyst, I hope you don't plan on drinking any of that. You could drown!"

"Calm down Pearl, Amethyst knows how to drink responsibly," Jasper said, elbowing Amethyst in the arm.

"Pfft," Peridot scoffed. "Last time she drank she got wasted and ended up on my roof."

Jasper laughed. "So?"

"I have a two story house Jasper. There is literally no way to get to the top of my house unless you climbed." Peridot shook her head.

I fidgeted awkwardly as this conversation carried on. We were only here for about 10 minutes and I was already feeling left out.

Pearl screeched. "AMETHYST! You could've been hurt! You could've broken something! You could've-"

"Take a chill pill, pearl. She was fine, and she's here to tell the tale," Jasper explained.

Peridot smirked. "Yeah, Pearl. And why do you care so much anyways? The way I remember it, you stormed out after you saw Amethyst and Taz dancing together."

A second of silence was filled with Jasper's "OOOH"s.

Pearl turned a deep shade of red. I looked over at Amethyst, and she was failing to hide a wide smile. These two must like each other then, I thought.

Garnet raised her eyebrows. "Alright Peri, how about we leave Pearl alone before she turns into a strawberry? Plus, I wanna see my room."

Peridot laughed at Garnet's comment. "Yeah, I'll show you the rooms."

I fell back as Peridot led every one to a single room on the very left. Pearl was falling behind as well, still pretty red. I smiled.

"She got you pretty good, didn't she?" I asked.

Pearl looked at me in surprise. "Uh, yeah," she laughed nervously. "I didn't think she noticed."

I gave her a knowing face. "You like Amethyst, right?"

Pearl turned red again. "What? I mean, I don't - maybe, I mean, like-"

"Because she likes you too," I added.

Pearl stopped. She slowly turned to face me.

"How do you know? Did she tell you?" Pearl seemed desperate to know.

"I have eyes, Pearl. You're just blind." I crossed my arms.

Pearl seemed offended. "I have 20/20 vision."

Did she really just say that?

"No, Pearl. I meant blind to love." I answered smoothly.

Pearl turned red yet again. Damn, this girl looks like a cherry.

We both walked into the room shoulder to shoulder that Peridot and the others had entered a minute ago.

"-so I don't know who wants to sleep with who, but if you guys want, we can rotate or whatever," Peridot said, shrugging.

Amethyst looked deep in thought. "Yeah, that works. I dunno what you guys want to do but-"

"Amethyst, it's your birthday after all," I said, cutting her off.

Everybody in the room turned to look at me. I could read their minds: I totally forgot this bitch was here.

Peridot smiled wide at me. I smiled back.

"She's right, y'know," Peridot said. "You choose."

Amethyst seemed stressed. "I don't know, Peri. That's why I asked everyone else!"

Peridot looked like she hit a nerve, so she decided to take the weight off of Amethyst. "Hey, we don't have to worry about that now, okay? How about we just choose who we're sleeping with tonight, and we'll figure it all out later."

Amethyst's stature and expression relaxed. "Yeah, that sounds good."

We all figured out who we were sleeping with that night. Amethyst decided to sleep with me since I didn't really know anybody here. Peridot was going to sleep with Jasper in the second room and Pearl and Garnet would be together in the third room.

After Amethyst and I had settled in, we sat on the bed.

"Hey, so I'm gonna warn you, Peridot says I hug sometimes, so..." Amethyst trailed off.

Lapis rolled her eyes. "I know, Amethyst. And Peridot was just being nice when she said 'sometimes'."

The two laughed. Both of their laughter died off into silence, which neither knew how to break. Amethyst eyed Lapis suspiciously.

"So, are you like, into Peri?"

What's up my readers? Sorry it took me a while to update, when I wrote the first authors note at the beginning I was less stressed out then I am now so yay for anxiety (woooo). Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, Pearl out.

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