Gravity is are Friend

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*Ford's Angle*

How is he surviving this place now! he must have wits like steel! we have one week left to defeat Bill, the end of the summer is when the barrier is weakest, we have 168 hours tops

This poor child has been through so much! and he's still alive after all of it! how? he must be as strong as Bill himself! "Do you have the journal?" he asks, "Yes" Dipper Says for me "Ray gun blue prints?" "Yes" what were they talking about?! were they going to use the same thing we did with Stanly?  "Ford I can read expressions very easily, I have to" he said to me "But what does he want from your mind?" I say "Did you guys find journal 3?" he asks everyone "No" Pacifica tells him "You said the portal was only stable for 2 trips, in and back, well, I have a feeling when Bill is done he will go mad with power and jump worlds to conquer the hold Multiverse, I memorized the Blueprints" he said and he suddenly passed out "Bill!!! I know I'm around kids but son of a-"

*Brandan's Angle*

"Sixer was right, you must have wits of steel to survive this long, that book will end up useless soon, 87, just let me in and give me the blueprints!!!" Bill screamed at me "Bill, I do have wits of steel, your demonic sketches, your codes! I've remade in my journal, I know most of your weaknesses!" I yell back at him "Oh boy 87, you don't know what trouble your in! I can make deals with everyone, and I will not stop until you are found DEAD!" he growls somehow "I've lived through thousands of things Bill! you didn't have the power to defeat the Pines! and I've survived at least 20 curses from your darn brother!" I was tearing up now "He was destroyed with my flat useless realm!!!" Bill was really mad now, and then I think of the most powerful fight of history, I put on my devilish grin "Dance battle! I win, you let me free, and the judges, has to be the most honest monster" I ask and order him "What's in for me?" Bill asks me "You can own my mortal body for all eternity" I tell him, assured I will win "DEAL!" I shake his hand, and keyhole appears, I go out strong and start with Best Mates, and like in slow motion, I land a jump with a dab "Beat that!" I tell Bill, he does a classical tap dance with his cane, and I do the sprinkler when its my turn again "Your not as bad as you look!" Keyhole tells me "Ha take that Bill!" and then Bill goes out really strong, barrel rolls, flips, and hand motions, and I do the most respectable thing when its my turn again "HEEEEEEEYYYYY MAXERINA EYET!" I was doing the maxerina, keyhole declared me as the winner "Silver Arrow, not to shabby" Bill says to me with no passion "why do you keep changing my nickname?" I ask Bill, before I wake up when Mabel was giving me CPR "Please Get off of me, and please tell me, nobody kissed me" I say and everyone seems shocked (Author: Quote from Avengers, Iron Man: "Please Tell me nobody kissed me") 










I would like to give a special shout out to a special person called 

user51351521, he was the first one to get my books out there!

I thank you so very much for supporting me! and the Journals lied, everyone can be trusted, it just has to be earned

Ford: I say otherwise

Everyone: WE DONT CARE!!!

Gravity Falls: A Mystery Adventure (Dipcifica)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin