Aww Lobster Legs!

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It was either Bill was burning my face off, or I was blushing fiercely, and then I looked down to see Wendy, nodding at me, "Pacifica, thank you, you're not what you used to be, I was wondering, if you would like to go on a date with me" I say and her face goes really red, nods, and goes back into the shack

*Next Day*

*Pacifica's Angle*

I can't believe it, I think I might die of excitement, Brandan, Soos, and Mabel walk in, and they stare at me with my face red, Wendy walks in and she looks, proud? "Finally, Dipper will soon have a Girlfriend!!! Thanks Wendy, Soos, and Brandan, she looks at Brandan with a sparkle in her eyes, she was trying to get us together last summer I bet, and Brandan proved to Mabel that he was love worthy by making it happen! Oh, payback is coming Mabel! "Mabel, I need your help, you know what Dipper likes best, what is it?" I should've seen this coming, she said "YOU!" that was it, I went upstairs, to find Dipper banging his head on his dresser, he had his shirt off so I walked out as fast as I could and went to my computer to play Block Crafters (Reverse Mc)

What!?!? You finally got a date?

Yes, Tambers I did, we will be a better couple than you and Robbie!

Well, she raged out and left, I'm going check on Mason, he finally had chosen to wear, the suit I gave him, he looked over and I see he was trying to put his Bowtie on, so I walked over and did it for him, he said "T-thanks, Paz" his voice cracked again, I couldn't help but laugh.

*Mabel's Angle*

Grenda! More Glitter and Heart Stickers!!! We must make this look PERFECT!!! We were making, the words Dipcifica "Candy?" she was sitting in the corner, quietly crying

*5 hours later*

"TRUTH OR DARE OR DON'T!" I yelled after dipper got home dragged Dipper down and called Pacifica and locked her in

"Dare" said Dipper "I TRIPLE DOG, dare you, to kiss Pacifica on the lips RN" said Brandan, he looked so dreamy when his devil was out, by why does he use text abbreviations IRL he calls it? Dipper's face went so red I thought he was that tomato guy from Gravitynite (Authors Note: LOL, sorry, I had to make a reverse fornite in this fan fic) he looked over at Pacifica, who wasn't prepared and literally just jumped in and did it for him, he was speechless and stomped out and Brendan and Pacifica ran after him, I think Brandan's after him Because he didn't finish his part about kissing Pacifica

*Brandan's Angle*

I saw Dipper march into Mcgucket Manor and he locked it but Pacifica had a key, she kept it? "Clever gal" I say rolling my eyes, and she just laughed "Sorry, I'm not interested" I knew my face wasn't red when she looked at my face and she looked outsmarted "Ill teach Dipper that now, by the way" she punched me hard in the face making my nose bleed, and that's when I kicked down the door like Hercules, she sent Robbie a photo and he texted back: I said DIPPER would, not this kid, I heard that because of her Narrator, I walked in to see, Kathy, my face went red once she saw me and she looked shocked "You 2 were boyfriend and girlfriend?" I punch her without even looking at Pacifica and I walk upstairs and find Dipper "Dipper, why is Mcgucket's friend have to be my old crush? He walked out and I pointed to Kathlyn and boy, he ran downstairs to tell her but I hit him while going like 30 miles per hour with an arrow "There, now he can sleep with you" I looked at Pacifica who was blushing, and I grabbed him by the collar and dragged him back, until I heard a twig snap and I saw Kathy following us, and I let her follow but I could only say "Grunt, Rap! Grrr" until we made it back to see a guest arrived, and was kissing Mabel, she didn't look happy, and she looked over to me and screamed "THAT STUPID GNOME JUST RAN IN AND DID IT BRANDAN I DO NOT LOVE HIM!!!" Her face was a bright pink, and I looked over to see Kathy, and she was, pouting?

Gravity Falls: A Mystery Adventure (Dipcifica)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz