A Halloween SPECIAL (2018) (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Johnny Maxima: If I may, the only way to defeat Grimmphos is something powerful than him. While Mr Shadow and I were making our way to you, I secretly looked into all of your Gashats from Levels 1 to 2, all the way to Muteki... and Ironically, the only way and Gashats that can defeat him are the Dual Gashat Alpha, Maximum Gashats and Muteki Gashats, which means that only Pallad, M, Dan Kuroto and Mr Shadow can beat him.

When we heard this, we soon looked at each other when we heard the news about its weakness.

Johnny Maxima: Grimmphos is like a vampire, killing off its prey and then its victims rise back up as his image in an extremely fast pace, but only this time, it has amplified my DNA inside of him so as to let his creature mimnions to have body parts of Grimm, robots and my brethren.

Poppy: So that means, Grimmphos can bite anything and turn it into his own image?! This is a poppy pipopapopanic situation!!!!

Johnny Maxima: Indeed it is a poppy pipopapopanic. Grimmphos is just expanding itself by numbers by just a bite, and it's taking effect real fast. And if this keeps up, the people of Remnant will become one of him.... and the whole world, will become a Grimmphos, and that will mean, the end of human and Virus-kind as Grimmphos has already succeeded in taking over the world!!

Dan Kuroto: So, Atlas built that thing?! What are they trying to PROVE!?!?! THEY'RE GODS?!?!

Johnny Maxima: Does it look like they have . A choice . When there are tonnes of Grimm around??

Pallad: Is the transformation reversible??

Emu: Like, can we cure it even before or after the transformation?

Johnny Maxima soon took another scroll belonging to him as he does the same as the other scroll as he began typing tonnes of things on his scroll as he explained verbally and visually.

Johnny Maxima: That all depends, much.

The image on TV Screen shows a person-in-simulation as a few gashats appear surrounding the being. Next being shows Grimmphos.

Johnny Maxima: Either Pallad, M, Dan Kuroto or Mr Shadow must accumilate enough power from specific gashats, and it must be fully calibrated. And when that is done,...

Emu: That's it. You can burn of the Grimmphogenetic infection, from everyone infected,.... for those who are infected with it

Johnny Maxima: You see where I'm going with this?? One of you four must be inserted with the powers and the energy, including its pulse from the specific Gashats, needed to defeat him.

Kiriya: That's is simple enough. But...

Taiga: But! We need an army to protect them while the transfer process is done!

Hirro: And the only thing we have is us!

Me: It just... might work. But, there is a high-risk of one of us dying here or on the ship.

Pallad: Then we'll do it on ship!

Poppy: That will be a poppy pipopapo-good idea~!!

Johnny Maxima: Then we will stick to this. But I'm curious, all of you. While I was out many years,... what are you hiding from me???

RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now