

The drive to the diner isn't very long. Downtown Los Angeles

"Are we there yet?" Zara asks for the 5th time.

"We are," I tell her.

"Welcome to Casa Havana," I tell her before getting out of the car.

"Welcome to Casa Havana," I tell her before getting out of the car

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I walked over to Zara's door and she give me her hand."Thank you. Now let's go I'm starving." she tells me.

I smile at her comment.

We walk in together and an elderly woman standing behind a counter welcomes us with menus "Buena noches" she says with a smile.

"Buenas tardes mesa para dos por favor" I said to her


"Good Evening"

"Good evening, table for two, please"

She looks between the two of us and her eyes wander Zara's baby bump and she smiles. "Sígueme" she instructed and leads us to a table for us. "Qué tan lejos estás?" she asked me and "unas cuatro bocas," I say back to her. Once we have taken a seat, Zara looked at me kinda confused. "She asked us how are along are we,"

"Oh okay," Zara smiles before, picking up her menu.

"I'll have the Cuban Sliders, the Mojo-Marinated Pork Shoulder, a Cuban pizza, and a bowl of Buñuelo..." She slows down looking at the woman's face"...and a fruit punch" she added. The woman stared at her with a blank expression and she started to laugh. "¿Estás seguro de que no tienes gemelos?"she asked me.

I laughed with her "No señora no estamos" I replied to her. "Felicidades,"she says beogre walking away.


Follow me

How far along are you?

About four months.

Are you sure you're not having twins

No ma'am we're not


"What's so funny?" Zara said with her eyebrow scrunched up. "She just thought maybe we were having twins," I told her, then she started to laugh and I joined her.

"You know my dad brought my mom here when they were our age," I tell her. When I was younger my father told me about how he and my mom would come here. Before the money and fame, it was normal living for them. He told me how he would take my mom after a long day of work and then go back to their small apartment.

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