Three Sidemen and a Demon (Sidemen)(Halloween Special!)

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(A:N// *raising from tombstone* I LIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!)

(Got the idea from the episode 'Three Dorks and a Demon' from My Babysitter's a Vampire! You can find it on YouTube in decent quality if you're curious!)

(I have translations in the comments. Forgive me if they're incorrect, I used Google Translate.)

Josh was startled by the sound of something loud being dropped onto the table in front of him, looking up to see JJ with a mischievous smile on his face. "JJ," Josh said with a cough as dust rose from the long, thin wooden box now on the table, giving it an odd look, as Simon and Vikk, who were at the kitchen table with him, did as well. "What is this?"

"Well, you know how we were going to cancel Sidemen Sunday tomorrow because the others couldn't make it? We don't have to now! Look what I found!" JJ swept the box back into his arms before turning I for them to see. It was adorned with a weird, swirling symbol on its front, and upon the three's silence, JJ let out a huff and continued. "I found it in a corner in the attic. It's a Ouija board! Not one of those crappy store ones either... This has gotta be a real one!"

At the sound of the word 'Ouija', there were mixed reactions springing up from around the table. Vikk's eyes widened as he scooted his chair back with a loud clatter. Josh looked surprised, but still raised a skeptical eyebrow. Simon merely scoffed, giving JJ what could only be summarized as a 'are you serious' look. "Seriously? You think that we can make a last minute about a fake Ouija board??? The fans won't believe it for a second after the 'ghost Harambe' incident..."

"Oh come on Simon!" JJ said in a frustrated tone. "Do you have any better ideas? It'll be fun!"

JJ looked to Josh for support, Simon giving him a small frown. He shrugged. "I don't think we should make a video, but, I mean, it's is nearly midnight, and it's not like we're doing anything anyways."

JJ pumped his fists while Simon sighed. "Well," Simon said with a small smile, "I don't see why not then." He then turned to Vikk, who looked concerned. "You in too, Vikk?"

"What?! Absolutely not!" He replied, and after hearing JJ stifle a laugh, he added, "I don't care whether it's real or not, but there's no way I'm having any nightmares tonight."

Josh snorted a laugh, and Vikk glared at him before he just let out a loud sigh, flinging up his arms before turning around and walking out of the kitchen. "That's it! I'm out! I'mma just going to go play some Fortnite and pretend that my friends aren't trying to commune with the dead."

The door slammed shut behind him, and there was a few moments of silence. Once they heard the sound of a door closing upstairs, the three of them burst into laughter. It took them a few moments to recover, and JJ was the first to speak up, wiping an imaginary tear from his eye before unlocking a clasp in the center of the box and opening it up, revealing the interior, and earning synchronized "Oooh"s from Josh and Simon.

The inside was simple, a large, black crystal covering the center of the board, with each corner of the board painted a dark red. There were two pieces of folded, yellowing paper shoved to the side, which Simon grabbed gingerly.

He opened the first one up, reading it out loud. "Let's see, 'What to do if a spirit escapes its realm'. Well, we won't need that one," he said with a laugh of disbelief, folding it back up and putting it back onto the table before opening the other. "Okay, here we go, 'How to commune with the spirits of the departed. First, each of the hosts, no more than four, need to place one hand on each corner of the board..."

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