Swan Lake (Sidemen AU)

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Warnings - Really bad names for medieval kingdoms because I lack enough creativity for that.

Main Characters: Josh, Simon

(Inspired by... Well, I'm sure you can guess by the title.)

Josh swiftly made his way across the castle courtyard, his jaw set and a look of determination in his eyes. He pulled his cloak closer to his chest, hoping that the hood over his head would be enough to conceal his face from the townsfolk, wanting to leave the castle undetected. He lifted his head and looked around at the passerby, before putting his head back down when he approached the castle gates, exiting the castle and entering the village that surrounded it.

Josh took to a run, making his way across the dusty roads and past the crowds, a destination already set in his head. Ignoring the curious looks of the people, who were wondering who was in such a hurry.

As Josh traveled farther, the wooden houses and shops became sparse and far apart, opening up to the fields that bordered the village. Josh came to a halt when he reached the very border of the village, where the roads ended. A smile came upon his face when he saw the place he had been looking for, Josh slowly making his way over to the building, trying to catch his breath from the long run.

The building that he approached was made out of a dark oak wood, with stone bricks covering parts of the house where the wood seemed to have broken away, and a short stone chimney on the top of it. Josh continued on past it however, instead eyeing a beat-up stable that was behind it. Josh made his towards it, looking towards the cattle that were grazing in the field ahead inside of a large pen.

Walking up to the stable, Josh knocked on the big wooden door, hearing a loud "Coming!" from inside. The door slowly slid open and a head poked out of it, looking around for the visitor.

"Who's the- Josh!" The boy said happily, pushing the door open all of the way and welcoming Josh inside. "It's been a while since you've come around! We'd thought that you'd forgotten about us!"

Josh laughed, walking into the cabin as he took the hood off of his head, running a hand through his hair as he looked around. The stable was a mess, hay and papers scattered across the floor, and books and tools strewn about on the workbenches as well. There were two pens in the stable, each of which holding a horse.

"I wouldn't forget about you Harry," Josh began with a sigh. "I just haven't had the chance to get out of the castle. Sarah's been driving me crazy!"

Harry hummed in response, brushing off some hay that had gotten on his blue tunic, letting out a hiss of disgust at a splash of mud that had gotten on his black pants and his brown boots.

"That's what comes with the job I guess."

Josh turned to see that his friend Vikk was sitting atop of one of the stable's workbenches, looking up from the book in his lap, tossing the book onto the workbench with the others. He was wearing a dusty yellow tunic, with brown pants, and a pair of boots that had a layer of mud on the bottom of them. "I imagine that family matters would be more of a pain, you know, seeing as you're royalty and all, your highness." Vikk said with a laugh. Josh let out a long sigh of frustration, looking at Vikk with anger in his eyes.

Josh was the prince of the kingdom, named Sidemia, and as much fun as being a prince sounded, Josh absolutely hated it. It seemed like he was always stuck inside of the castle, stuck with boring lessons and agonizingly repetitive royal duties. He was nineteen, and he felt as though his life was wasted stuck inside the castle walls that Josh had nicknamed 'the prison'.

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