Not As Planned (The Pack)

436 13 6

Warnings - Blood

Main Characters: Preston, Lachlan

(Based on the "Challenge" Prompt by SpicyKiwiWrites)

"Alright, let's get this started!" Lachlan yelled, clapping his hands together as he turned on the camera, before running to join Preston behind the kitchen counter. Preston flashed Lachlan a quick smile before turning back to the camera as he started his intro.

"Hey guys what's going on, Preston here today with Lachlan to present to you..." Preston started excitedly, gesturing to the blender sitting on the counter as he continued, "...the Smoothie Challenge!!!"

As Preston continued to describe the challenge to the camera, Lachlan dozed off a bit, his eyes wandering around the room.

Lachlan was visiting Preston's condo in Texas for a month, and he was trying to record as many videos with Preston as he could during the visit. Rob was staying with them too, and had joined in on most of their recordings. He had skipped out on this challenge however, volunteering to go shopping for food while Lachlan and Preston filmed the challenge. Rob claimed that he "hadn't recovered from the trauma of doing the Smoothie Challenge with Mitch yet."

"... and we're going to start off me making Lachlan's smoothie!"

Lachlan snapped back into attention, looking to his right to Preston, who was rubbing his hands together with a smug look on his face. Lachlan gulped as Preston turned to the cabinets behind him, yanking them open and beginning to look for ingredients to add to his evil concoction. Preston ended up with several boxes and bags when he closed the cabinet, and Lachlan watched, his blue eyes wide as Preston began to empty out their contents into the blender.

"Chocolate chips... orange soda... pickles...milk...Doritos... and jalapenos?!?!?" Lachlan yelled, Preston snickering as he put the last of the food in the blender. "Are you trying to kill be Preston??!?"

"Wait, there's one more secret ingredient!" Preston said, before slipping behind Lachlan and opening the fridge. It was only a moment before Preston found what he had been looking for.

Lachlan's face paled as Preston slipped around him again, opening the brown bag in his hands and pouring into the blender what looked like a flattened taco from it. "It's exactly what it looks like Lachlan," Preston said, before whispering something else. "I got this taco from Chipotle, like, two weeks ago."

Ignoring Lachlan's protests, Preston proceeded to put the top on the blender, struggling to get it to stay on the blender, which was crammed full of random food items. "Preston, are you sure that's safe? That top doesn't look very secure..." Lachlan asked worriedly.

"I'm sure its fine. You're probably just afraid to taste my amazingly disgusting smoothie!" Preston quipped, shrugging his shoulders.

"What?!?" Lachlan yelled, a tone of mock-anger in his voice. "Move over, I'll blend this thing myself!"

Not expecting him to actually respond, Lachlan tried to hide his surprise when Preston stepped away from the blender, gesturing for Lachlan to take over with a grin on his face. "Then go right ahead!"

"Fine." Lachlan murmured, stepping in front of the blender and looking at the buttons on the front of it, hoping that he didn't look confused as he tried to figure out which to press.

Max power would be a good idea, right? Lachlan thought to himself as he put his finger over the right-most button on the blender, trying to ignore Preston, who had raised an eyebrow with a curious expression on his face as he leaned against the counter. I mean, it would make sense... there's a lot of food in there, and some of it is pretty thick...

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