jaeden lieberher

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you said you were afraid to loose me then you faced your fears and left


Jaeden Lieberher. He was the one who stole my heart, the one who swept me off my feet. I genuinely thought he loved me, and he did at the time. He was scared of the word 'love.' I could see the way he looked at me when I told him I loved him. He never said it back. Never. I guess I should have got the clue. He didn't love me. Because he didn't know how to love.

6 months ago

"You're beautiful Y/n. I never want to loose you." He says, playing with my hair. "You won't loose me Jaeden." I say kissing his lips.

present day

Jaeden and I fight all the time. It's not the same anymore. "WHY CAN'T I JUST HAVE SOME TIME ALONE Y/N?" He yells. "YOU'RE HIGH JAEDEN! YOU'VE BEEN DRINKING AND GOING OUT FOR HOURS AT NIGHT! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" I scream with hot tears running down my face. "I-I can't do this anymore. I'm not happy Y/n. Not with you." He says leaving the apartment. I stand there, frozen. What did I do? Was I not good enough?

Jaeden's POV.

I ran out of the apartment, leaving her standing there. I wasn't happy period. I cheated on her, and I couldn't deal with myself. I drank, and smoked till I couldn't even remember my own name. The thing is, I wasn't good enough for someone like Y/n. She is an angel, a beautiful, sweet, and lovely girl. I didn't know how to love someone so perfect. But what I did broke her. I'm no good for her. I cheated on her with her own best friend.
What kind of guy does that? I just need to be out of her life forever. She's too good for me.

Y/n's POV.

He's gone. He's really gone. What am I supposed to do with myself? I love Jaeden with all my heart. I wanted to help him. I guess he doesn't want me. I call the only person I know I can trust. My best friend Sophia. I call her, but it goes straight to voice mail. I decide to go to her place. I can't stay here alone. I knock on her door, and when she opens the door I see a nervous look on her face.

"Y/n? Oh my gosh are you okay?" She says pulling me inside. "He broke up with me Sophia." I say with a tear sliding down my face. "Y/n I have to tell you something." She says nervously. "What?" I say. "Jaeden and I made out when you were gone last weekend." She says with a shaky voice. My heart shatters. How could my best friend betray me like this? "How could you do this to me? I thought I could trust you!" I say crying. "I-I'm sorry Y/n." She says. "I'm sure you are Sophia." I say storming out of her apartment.

months later

I sit down at the table in the small cafe. I put my hands around the hot drink to warm them up. I always come to this cafe in the mornings to clear my head. Ever since Jaeden broke up with me, things haven't been the same. I haven't been happy. I've been lonely, and broken. I look around and notice I'm the only one in the cafe. It is pretty early. I look down at the table for a second, and look up when I hear the little bell ring when someone opens the door.

My eyes meet with a familiar pair of blue eyes that once captured my heart. It can't be. He looks at me for a moment, and walks over. "Y/n?.." He says softly. He looked different. He looked broken, and not the happy and smiling Jaeden I used to know. "Jaeden.." I say back. "H-How are you?" He says with a small smile. "I'm.....managing I guess. How are you doing?" I ask, still in shock. "Not okay at all. I miss you...so damn much." He says, taking a seat in front of me.

"You don't get to say that Jaeden. You're the one who broke up with me." I say, about to cry. "I-I know Y/n. I wish I never did. I'm doing better now. I haven't been high or drunk in months. The only thing I need is you. I know I told you I wasn't happy with you. But that was a lie. I wasn't happy with myself. I couldn't love you if I didn't know how to love myself. I'm so sorry for the way I treated you. I just want you in my arms again." He says, with tears running down his face.

"I understand. I'm so glad you're doing better Jaeden. You know I love you and I always will." I say, holding his hand. "I love you too Y/n." He said, bringing a smile to my face.


a/n: hey guys, i know i haven't updated this book in a while but i'm taking requests so message me if you have any!!
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