"Please get dressed.."

Start from the beginning

Judging by how crowded the food court was, it looked like half the town's population decided to spend the cold, snowy day shopping. Camila kept close to Lauren's side as they navigated among the tables and people, but it wasn't until they got to the slightly quieter corner where Subway was that Lauren noticed how tightly Camila was clutching the handles of the bags she carried.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked, concerned.

Camila shook her head, her eyes set down. "I'm sorry, Mistress. It's just a lot of people in one place."

Suddenly, Lauren realized. "Oh, I didn't think, you're not used to malls at all, are you? I'm sorry, Camila. Does it remind you of the market? Do you need to leave? We can leave," she said.

"No, no. It's nothing like the market, Mistress. I just got startled. I'm sorry, I'll be fine." She still wasn't looking up though, and that worried Lauren. That, and something else.

"Hey, we agreed you're not calling me Mistress, remember? Just Lauren is fine."

Camila finally looked at her, her eyes wide and earnest. "Oh, but I have to, Mistress. We're in public. It would be disrespectful if I called you by your given name for people to hear."

Lauren wanted to say that she didn't give a damn what other people thought of her – she'd long learned not to care – but the concern in Camila's voice stopped her. This was Camila's way of looking out for her, in the only way she knew how – by being the best slave she could be, for everyone to see.

"Okay then," Lauren said. "Thank you, Camila. Just please call me Lauren when we're not in public anymore, okay?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Okay. Let's go get something to eat."

"Do you want me to go save a table for you, Mistress?"

Lauren frowned. "What? No, Camila, you have to pick your sandwich."

"But... you want me to eat here, too?"

"Of course. It's lunch time."

"But Mistress, eating here will cost you money, and you have already spent so much more on me than what I am worth." Camila looked distressed. "I don't need to eat lunch, Mistress."

Lauren sighed. Would Camila ever let go of the notion she was worthless? Considering how long she'd had that drilled into her head, it was definitely going to be a challenge.

"No, Camila," she said patiently. "Of course you need to eat, you're still so thin. And you deserve food and clothes and everything. You're a human being. And I care about you. So please, come and choose what you would like to eat."

Eyes down again, Camila said softly, "Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress."

She seemed overwhelmed by the amount of options, but with Lauren's guidance and commentary, she finally relaxed a little and ordered a sub for herself. The tray with their food and drinks in hand, Lauren led her to a table, where Camila carefully set the bags on a chair and proceeded to lower herself down onto the little kneeling pillow provided at every table.

"No, Camila," Lauren snapped.

"Mistress?" Camila sounded scared and Lauren softened her tone immediately.

"I don't want you kneeling while you eat. I appreciate you being such a perfect slave, but get up and sit on the chair, please. I will never ask you to kneel for me, not ever, do you understand? Not at home and not in public, no matter what other people might think."

Camila nodded and obeyed without a word, sitting stiffly at the very edge of her chair, and Lauren hated that she was the one to put this upset look on Camila's  face and make her uncomfortable. But she couldn't have her kneel. Just... no. She looked around, hoping to see more slaves sitting at the tables with their owners, to point out to Camila as a reassurance – they passed some on their way, but to her dismay, now there were none within sight. All those around them who had taken their slaves shopping with them – mostly to carry their bags around, Lauren knew – had them kneeling by their chairs, on the little pillows or even on the bare floor.

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