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            Arthur and Uther rode along one of the paths outside Camelot, talking and laughing.

            "I'm so glad we decided to do this," Uther said, "It's good to get away from everything once in a while."

            "Now there's something I never thought I'd hear you say," Arthur chuckled.

            "Yes well, a lot has changed," Uther said, smiling at his son. Indeed it had. It had been an unspoken fear between those closest to the king that he might return to his old ways now that Arthur was back. However, they had been pleasantly surprised when the king had continued to be much kinder to the people of Camelot and especially his son.

            Arthur had been pleased about this too. His father no longer treated him like a disobedient child, but rather he asked his son's opinion and actually considered what he said. Then there were days like today when the king didn't have a thousand things to attend to and he and Arthur could get away for an hour or so. They continued down the path in silence for a while more before a man suddenly appeared in their path. They both stopped suddenly and got off their horses cautiously.

            "Who are you?" Uther asked the hooded stranger. The man slowly lowered his hood and Uther recognized him immediately.

            "You," he said and Salvatore smirked at him, "What do you want?"

            "I wanted to make sure all my hard work had no gone to waste," Salvatore said, eyes flicking to Arthur. Arthur looked between the man and his father before something in his brain clicked.

            "You're the one who changed me!" Arthur exclaimed.

            "I am," Salvatore nodded.

            "Why?" Arthur asked.

            "I changed you to change him," Salvatore said, nodding at Uther.

            "To change me?" Uther said.

            "Yes," Salvatore nodded again, "When I changed Arthur, he became dependent on you and in the time he was once again a child you have changed. If you had not bothered to look after your son in the way you did he would have remained a child. When you were attacked, Arthur made the choice to save you which told me he wanted you. If that was the case then you had to have done something right. You are not the same man you were before I changed your son Uther Pendragon." Uther stared at Salvatore for a moment before looking at his son.

            "He is right," Uther said, resting his hand on Arthur's shoulder, "I am not the same man." Arthur smiled at his father and they both turned back to look at Salvatore. But the man was gone.

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