Calling Off the Hunt

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            "And how are you feeling this morning?" Gaius asked.

            "A bit better," Arthur said, though he didn't sound much better, "Where's daddy going?"

            "He's going to talk to the knights, but he'll be back later," Gaius told him, "Now, you try to get some sleep. Gwen should here soon to- ah, here she is."

            "Hello Gaius, Merlin," she smiled, "Hello Arthur, how are you feeling today?"

            "Alright," he said, "Gaius and Merlin gave me some tea that helped."

            "He needs to stay cooled off and sleep plenty and then tonight he'll have more tea," Gaius said, "Merlin and I have other patients in town we need to attend to."

            "Don't worry Gaius, I'll take good care of him," Gwen smiled. Gaius nodded and he and Merlin left.

            "What did Uther need to talk to the knights about?" Merlin asked.

            "He's calling off the hunt for the sorcerer," Gaius said.

            "What?" Merlin said in shock, "Why?"

            "The sorcerer visited him last night and told Uther how to make Arthur better," Gaius said.

            "Hence the tea?" Merlin guessed.

            "Exactly," Gaius nodded, "The tea, keeping him cool, and calling off the hunt were the three things that needed to happen in order for Arthur to get better."

            "We need to find him!" Merlin exclaimed, "He's controlling everything and we're never gonna get Arthur back to normal!"

            "I don't think anything we do will a difference Merlin," Gaius said gravely, "I think it's all down to the king now."

            Uther stood in front of the knights and took a deep breath.

            "I am calling off the hunt for the sorcerer," he said and the knights looked at each other in shock.

            "Sire?" Sir Leon stepped forward, "I know we haven't found him yet, but if we keep searching..."

            "It is not because you haven't him yet Sir Leon," Uther said, "I simply believe if we leave him be then the sorcerer will come to us. When that happens we will be able to arrest him and have him turn Arthur back."

            "And... if he does not come to us, Sire?" Sir Leon asked. Uther stared at him for a moment before he turned and left the room.

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