What Happened?

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    “Arthur?” Merlin said in disbelief.

    “What’s – What’s happened to me?” Arthur asked, his voice much higher than it had been a moment ago.

    “I dunno,” Merlin said, “But I think we should head back to Camelot and go see Gaius.” Arthur just nodded, looking like he was going to cry.

    “C’mon then,” Merlin said, holding out his hand, unsure if Arthur would take it. The little boy did, apparently this Arthur was more comfortable with holding someone’s hand than the other one. They walked back to Camelot quickly, Arthur stumbling a few times along the way. Merlin wasn’t sure if this was because his legs were smaller or if his mind and actions were also reverting to five years old.

    Finally, they made it back to Camelot and hurried to Gaius’ chambers, receiving many funny looks as Merlin walked by with a little boy. They burst through the door, causing Gaius to drop something as he spun around.

    “Merlin! What in the world are you – oh, hello there,” Gaius’ tone lightened dramatically when a little boy had run over and hugged him around the waist.

    “Who are you?” Gaius asked.

    “You don’t – you don’t remember me?” Arthur asked as he stepped back, his bottom lip quivering. He turned to look at Merlin, “He doesn’t remember me. Why doesn’t he remember me?” Merlin stepped forward and bent down so he was at Arthur’s level. Arthur wrapped his small arms around Merlin’s neck and Gaius watched in confusion as Merlin returned the hug and comforted the boy. It was obvious to Merlin that it wasn’t just Arthur’s physical appearance that was five years old again, but his mind was reverting too.

    “He hasn’t seen you like this in a long time I know it’s hard but just give him a minute.” Arthur turned around but kept one arm around Merlin. Gaius looked at the boy, he was definitely familiar. The face, the hair, the eyes… realization dawned on him.

    “Oh my… Arthur!” Gaius exclaimed, “What happened?” Arthur didn’t hear the question, for he had run forward and hugged Gaius again. This time however, Gaius bent down and picked up the little boy. He looked at Merlin, hoping for an explanation.

    “That bandit in the woods, he did something to Arthur. It must have been magic because one minute it was the regular Arthur and then the next, this,” Merlin gestured to Arthur who was still holding tightly to Gaius.

    “Oh the King won’t like this,” Gaius said quietly.

    “Don’t tell him!” Arthur said loudly, “Please! Don’t tell him!”

    “We have to Arthur,” Gaius said gently, “Until we figure our how to turn you back he’s going to wonder where you are if you don’t show up for training.”

    “But… I don’t want him to be mad at me,” Arthur said, a few tears slipping down his cheeks.

    “Come on now my boy,” Gaius said, rubbing Arthur’s back comfortingly, “Merlin will be there and I will be the one to tell your father what happened, okay? There’s nothing to worry about.” Gaius smiled reassuringly at Arthur, but when the boy looked away, Gaius glanced at Merlin, worry clear on his face.

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