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Last chapter?

Kaycees POV.

"Where is he? Can I talk to him now?" I ask and she nods. She starts walking and I follow her to a room. "Ok here. He is in here. I'll go tell the league and I'll be back in a minute." She says and I nod.

I open the door and see Sean sitting on the bed looking at the ground. "Hey.." I say and he looks back at me. "Hey.." He says looking back down. I sit next to him and stare at the floor.

"Have you ever wondered where we would be now. If we were a couple? Dating. Idk. A normal life without powers and an evil government?" He asks me and I nod.

"We would be on the beach. We would be staying at my grandmas beach house on the weekend. Random walks along the shore. Feeling the sand beneath our feet. Holding hands, looking at the sunset" he says and I just smile.

"What If that was true?" He asks and I just say and do nothing. I ignore his questions and Face him. "Sean. Your gonna leave ok. I'm gonna stay. They want me more than you and I told them to let you go." I say and he shakes his head.

"No! I cant do tha-." Then I cut him off and put my finger on his lips. "Please. Can we just not talk" I say and he nods. We stare into each other's eyes and we start to lean closer. I feel his hot breath on my lips as we get closer.

Then I feel it. I feel his soft lips pressed against mine. Nows the time. I slip into his mind. Doing something I never thought I would have to do, but I'm doing it cause I love him.

As I strip each memory of me away from his mind I feel myself breaking inside. Seeing all the memories of me in his mind slowly fading away into the darkness until there is nothing left of "Kaycee Caitlin Rice" in his mind.

I pull away and open my eyes and a tear falls down. I look at him and his looking at the ground confused. Like he just saw a ghost. He then looks up at me and moves back. I stand up and go to the door. Jannelle then comes in and looks at us.

"Jannelle.." He says. Then looks at me. "Who are you?" He asks and I feel my whole heart break into a million pieces. "Don't worry." I say while Jannelle hands me a bag to give to him. I quickly find a pen and paper I write something down and put it in the bag without anyone looking.

I give sean the bag and he thanks me. We explain that the children's league is letting him go and he gets suspicious but doesnt say anything. He walks to the door and looks back at me. "Goodbye" He says and Walks out of the door.

I immediately fall down on my knees and cry. "I love him. That's why I did it." I keep saying to myself. I just lost him. The person I love. I'm never gonna see him again.

Oh my gawddd I'm crying. Go ahead hate me. I hate myself. Noooo

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