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Kaycees POV.

He leans in, and I do too.

Until I remember. I can't do this.

Are lips were about to touch but I quickly moved back. Then we just stand there awkwardly. "I'm-I'm sorry..." I say to him. "No-no I'm sorry, Uh let's go back to Anna. Kenneth and bailey are waiting outside." He says. "Anna?! Who is Anna?" I ask him. He chuckles a bit. "Bailey named the van Anna. Anna. She is a very special." He says. Then we both burst out laughing.

We walk to the van, or should I say "Anna" And there was no sign of bailey and Kenneth. We thought they just got inside. So we go around the van and see them on the floor tied up. Suddenly I feel my head start pounding and I drop to the floor. I look at Sean and he is also on the floor. Then I see jane. Oh no.

"Haha! You thought you would get away so easily Sean! Your on the top of the list that the government doesn't even care if I bring you in dead or alive." She says. This can't be happening.

"Just take me! Don't hurt my friends. Don't hurt kaycee." He says and then Jane smirks at me. "So that's the pretty girls name. Kaycee?" She says while smiling at me with the most horrifying smile ever. Eww.

She points the mind gun and me again making me drop to the floor in pain. "I'm gonna kill all your friends slowly. One by one." She says while pointing both of her mind guns at me and Sean. "NO JUST KILL ME PLEASE!" He says. No I can't let him do that.

"All right. I'll kill ya first. But don't worry, I'm still killing ya friends." She says. She takes her gun and turns up the pain from the sound. She was about to turn it on to Sean when I couldn't take it. "NO! YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE NOW! YOU DEAL WITH ME!" I shout at her getting up on my knees. "Ooo well your dumb." She says. She turns the gun at me and I fall again.

All I can hear are screams. I failed. I was gonna give up but I can't. I get up and stand up trying my hardest not to fall back down. Then I shout at her. "STOP!" I say letting my emotions and powers out.

She lets go of the guns and falls to her knees. "Look at me!" I shout. She looks at me and I see my glowing orange eyes in the reflection. "You are gonna go into the woods. You gonna walk and keep walking. Your not gonna stop. No matter what happens. If your feet hurt or your legs if anything hurts! Just keep walking! Your feet bleed. No one cares! You gonna walk and never stop. You will only stop when your body shuts down. When your heart stops. You never look right or left. Always look straight. Never stop walking! DO YOU HEAR ME!" I scream at her.

"Yes. I will walk into the woods. And I will never stop walking until my body shuts down and my heart stops. I will never stop walking" she says getting up in a trance. She walks and walks straight, right into the woods.

Then my eyes get blurry, and I fall. Everything goes black.

- next day -

I wake up in the van and hear Sean and Kenneth talking. I Listen to what they are saying.

"Yea she's the reason jane found us." Kenneth says. "Yea I agree. We should leave her here and then just go to the camp. Then we will see from there. The government obviously knows what she looks like now. Jane obviously told them. We can't have her risking it." I hear Sean say.

I knew I should've never gone with them. They are obviously scared of me! And now they are gonna just leave me here. I'm going!

I get up and walk and storm out. "Hey kayc your up?! Where are you going?" Sean says. Ugh he needs to stop acting like he cares about me. "I heard everything you said! Don't worry I'm leaving" I say then turn around and quickly walk back to the van realising I forgot my bag I packed for them I was going home. "Kayc c'mon! What do you mean! Just sit down." Sean Says.

"Don't worry I'm just getting my stuff and I'll leave you guy-." Then Kenneth cuts me off. "Sit down already. We weren't talking about your orange ass!" I stop. What?

"We were talking about Anna. The van! Basically all the hunters know about her! We were saying leaving the van here not your orange ass." Kenneth says again with some sass.

I walk over to them and sit down on the logs they were sitting on and look down. "I'm sorry. I just thought you were talking about me.. because I lied and told u I was an orange." I say looking down.

Kenneth's POV

"Why da hell would we leave you?! I knew from the moment I met you, you weren't a green." Kenneth says laughing.

"So.. tell us about it?"

K y'all are always asking me "when are they gonna find out She an orange" Well there ya go! Hahha. Well hope you like it so far.

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