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Kaycees POV

I woke up in a room. Bright and big. It looked much cleaner and luxurious then the rooms in the motel or camps. I looked around and saw Jannelle and that weirdo she likes. (The guy she met before she met bailey)

The guy slowly approached me and I moved back still on the bed. "Hey. My name is will. You can trust me." He says with a smile. "Nope, not gonna trust you. To be honest I already know you know this, but I trust no one here. Understand?" I tell them and the nod.

"Now where is Sean? Kenneth?" I ask. "Kenneth is in the hospital and Sean is in another room." Jannelle says and I nod. "Your gonna Take Sean in the children's league aren't you?" I ask. And she nods her head and I get angry. "Kaycee We need to talk to you." Will says trying to calm me down.

"No! I hate you. You disgusting man who kidnaps children. I'll talk to Her." I shout at him and he chuckles. "I'm not scared of you." He smirks and Jannelle tells him to stop. "Oh really?" I say flashing my eyes orange.

His smirk drops and he leaves the room. Ha. That idiot. "Kaycee. We're gonna let you go. But Sean is staying I'm sorry. We want him in the children's league." She says and I shake my head.

"No. I love him. He is not staying. He hates you guys..." I say. She was about to say something but then I cut her off. "Take me instead."

"What?" She says. "Take me instead. I'm an orange right. More powerful, valuable to u guys. Take me and let him go." I tell her and she walks around the room thinking.

"Ok. But kaycee, if he loves you as much as you do, what makes you think he is gonna leave you with us?" Jannelle asks and I think. I got it.

"He'll leave. I'll make him"

Oh my gawd. Ok comment how you think she is gonna make him leave. You guys are gonna hate me.

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