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Kaycees POV

Once we were finished, Sean took this weird looking grey box and pressed a couple buttons. And a song was playing. I widen my eyes when I heard the song. It was the one I always listened to when they gave us the "day off" at storm hold.

I got up completely forgetting about everyone there and just sat down. I heard Sean and Kenneth say a copy words and Sean got up. I didn't care tho. I just started moving my body. I felt so free this time. Every other time I moved my body to the song it felt good. Like a distraction. But now I just felt free.

Sean's POV.
I put a song on the boom box. It was bruises by Lewis Capaldi. I sat down and just looked at my hands. Then I saw kaycee stand up from sitting on the edge of the truck and sat down on the floor. It was weird but I shrugged it off. "Hey Sean, can u change the song? This shit is too depressing right now." I heard Kenneth say. I chucked and got up and I was about to change it until I saw kaycee.

She was dancing. I looked at Kenneth and our eyes widened. I let the song play and say back down. She was amazing.

She finished. I noticed that while she was dancing, she was in her own world, not caring that we were there. Then she got up and saw that Kenneth and I were staring. She blushed and walked back to truck and sat on the edge. "What was that kayc!" I said. She looked at me when she shrugged. "I don't know. On that once a month day off thing at stormhold, I would move my body." She said. "Oh sorry. I know what you were doing. But I don't think u know what u were doing." I said. She looked at me confused.

"It's called dancing." Kenneth said. "Dancing? What's that?" She said we botch laughed. Then we quickly stopped when we realised she was serious. "Oh kaycee. Dancing is the thing you just did. Moving your body like that to the music." I said. She nodded and smiled.

"I never knew what it was called. I was 2 when I got into stormhold. I apparently don't know a lot of things according to Jannelle. I think she thinks I dumb. I kinda am" she says. "Oh come on. I bet your not. What's something she told u that you didn't know?" I asked her. She jumped up and walked around.

" the night I escaped she told me this crazy as shit. And yes I know how to swear. Anyways. She said stuff about how woman bleed from their private part and something about when you love someone you do this disgusting thing called se-.." "WOAH WOAH WOAH!!!! OKAY ENOUGH!" Kenneth said. I bursted our laughing.

Even tho we're were ten when we were caught, we know our shit. "I told u! That's how I escaped. She had to explain EVERYTHING so the guard could leave. I wanted to die. It was disgusting. She even told me what your private parts were called and I screamed!" We all bursted out in laughter. Then I saw her smile. Her smile lit up my mood even more. And her adorable brown eyes sparkled.

"Hey! We can show you a dance we made together!" Kenneth said pointing at me and him. Kaycee smiled and nodded. She sat down and watched.

(Just pretend kaycee wasn't in that)

"Woah that so good. Can you teach me?" Kaycee asked. Kenneth and I nodded at each other and taught her. (Now watch the video again and add kaycee into it. Hahah)

"You sure your not an orange and read our minds and KILLED this choreo?!" Kenneth joked. Kaycee eyes widened and looked a little worried. "He was joking. Don't worry." I said and we laughed a little.

"Oh Kenneth you wanna show me the dance you were talking about earlier?" I asked. Kenneth nodded and got up again. He put he song and and danced.

I fixed up some things and it turned out like this.

"Bro you killed it!" I said. "Yea that was amazing!" Kaycee said. Kenneth thanked us and walked back. "K Sean, the master of making a dance, show her the one you showed me the other day." Kenneth smirked. "The.. mature one?" I stuttered a bit. He nodded. "Umm I'm not quiet.." I couldn't even finish the sentence and Kenneth put the song on. I sighed and danced. I was gonna embarrass myself in front  is kaycee.

Kaycees POV.

When he danced, idk what happened to me. I was staring at him. I didn't even realise he was finished. What the heck is this feeling. I feel weird in my stomach. All I know is that I liked that dance. (Ooo kaycee ahahah)

Sean and Kenneth saw me. Sean checks started turning red and Kenneth just laughed. I glared at him but he didn't stop. I can't believe bailey is still asleep and it's not even that dark yet.

"I was bad wasn't I.." Sean said. "Oh no no you weren't! It was uh amazing! You looked very uh..." I said trying to find a word. "Very sexy right!" Kenneth said. Sean punched him and I just looked confused. "Sexy what does that mean?" I asked. They looked at me. Kenneth bursted out laughing.

"He looks good! Like kinda attractive. You know like you wanna-.." Kenneth was about to finish when sean cut him off. "Don't finish that sentence." Sean said.

I couldnt help but look at him. He kinda looks familiar. "Anyways got any other dances?" I said. "Ooo yep I got one. The other day I thought about Caitlin and I made it for her. But it's so bad." Sean said while  he lifted his shirt to wipe his sweat.

I looked at his abs but the saw something. He had a birth mark on mid stomach. Quite a big one. It was in a way to familiar shape and size. Anyways. Who's Caitlin?

Kenneth and I stared at him in confusion. He looked back at us. "What?!" Sean said. "Sean Charles Lew! You can't make a dance and say it's bad!" Kenneth said. Sean cringed at his full name. But it was way to familiar. I was about to shrug it off when Sean asked me a question. "What are you thinking about?" I looked at him and shrugged. "Oh nothing. Anyway. Kenneth is right! C'mon show us!" 

I was amazed. He was so good! I forgot about everything and hugged him. And I forgot. I touched him. Then a memory cams back. When I was two, before the outbreak, my bestfriend was with me. I know your thinking "um you were two?" And yes I was, but I could speak and walk back then. (I could in general. Like me. The author. Ahah) and his name was charles Lew.

We never said our real names. But we got taken together and he was on the bus with me. We were talking and I asked him something. "Charwes. Wats your weal name? I don't know wit. I really care about you. And if we are gowing to die wike the west of the kids. I wanna know youw weal nawme. (Charles. What's your real name? I don't know it? And if we are going to die like the rest of the kids. I wanna know your real name. )" (notice the baby voice.) "Sean my name is Sean. And Caitlin don't worry. I will always be here. I will never leave you ok?" He said. He was 3 and he could speak a little better.

But then the Bus crashed. I looked for him. I couldn't find him. He escaped but I didn't. I cried for months after that.

"Kaycee! Kaycee!" Sean shouted. I was on the floor. "What happened?" Kenneth said.

I didn't care now. I just wanted Sean. I ran up to Sean and hugged him. "Woah woah. Is my dancing that good?" He chuckled. The I did something. The unexpected.

Oooo what did she doooo

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