I sat on his bed, gently shaking his shoulder. It took a while and some gentle coaxing, but I finally got him up without any drastic measures.

"Hey Lex, what's up, babe?" he asked groggily, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Has Louis been rubbing in the fact that I chose him?" I asked immediately, cutting to the chase.

Zayn looked at me warily, his mouth staying closed.

"So it is true?" I asked, standing up and pacing. I glanced back at Zayn to find him nodding. "But why?" I asked softly, freezing and turning to face him.

"He's been different, Lex. Whenever you're not around, he just seems different," Zayn admitted.

"What do you mean?" I asked quietly, staring into my best friend's eyes.

He ran his hands through his hair looking flustered. "He just seems a lot more overbearing. Like with the digs at Liam and he'll say things, like how you're 'his'. I don't know Lex, he's just different."

I guess he had been very protective recently. Never really leaving my side, constantly with me or asking me who I was texting or talking to. I hadn't given it much thought, but it was definitely there.

"Are you really sure he's the best thing for you, Lex?" Zayn asked in a whisper. It was so quiet I wasn't even sure if I heard him right.

"What are you talking about Zayn? I love him! He's the one!" I muttered, but even I knew I didn't sound convincing.

"You don't sound so sure of that, love."

I crumpled onto his bed, unsure of how to respond. He was quick to pull me into his arms.

"Do you still love him?"

I squeezed my eyes shut. I'd been thinking about that a lot this week. It almost felt like we'd drifted apart. Which made no sense, because I was constantly with him. But I just felt separate from him at the same time. "I think so," I whispered.

Zayn hugged me reassuringly, gently rubbing my back.

"But you're right. He has changed," I sighed, talking into Zayn's shirtless chest.

He rested his head on top of mine, pulling me even closer.

"It'll be ok, Lex. Follow your heart."

"I mean, I still care about him. I think I still love him. I don't want to break up with him," I said, a few tears slipping out of my tightly shut eyes.

"You don't have to babe. Just wait it out. He's probably just feeling insecure because of you and Liam."

"There is no me and Liam," I muttered.

"I've been meaning to ask you that actually. You have no feelings towards Liam? At all?"

I paused, unsure of what to answer. I still hadn't really sorted out my feelings for Liam. I'm pretty sure I liked him as more than a friend, but I don't think it'd ever really work. I was with Louis.

"I think your pause says it all. Just be careful, babe. I know Liam really likes you, but I also know he wants you happy. So if Louis makes you happy, stay with him. Ok?"

I nodded into his chest. "I love you Zayn."

He pressed his lips against the top of my head. "I love you too, Lex," he said before whispering to himself, "More than you will ever know." I barely heard it, but I did. I pushed it to the side, not thinking about what he meant.

"Excited for tonight?" he asked quickly. It took me a second to remember what he was talking about. I was going to his family's home for the night for some family dinner thing that he wanted me to go to with him. I was excited to meet Zayn's family. He always talked about them a lot, and it would be fun to spend a night with just Zayn.

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