Please tell me this isn't real.

Surprisingly, Semi was quiet. He had his arms remained on her stomach but it never went down to her area.

Maybe he was tired, after all.

"S-Semi-san?" Y/N called out. The only response she got were his soft snores. "He fell asleep?"

Slowly and slowly, Y/N's eyes started getting tired as well. She yawned, feeling herself drifting off to dreamland as she was caged in his arms.


Just for that short moment, she felt safe in his arms.

A few hours later, Y/N found herself awake, the cold water under her. As she tried to move, she realized she was now facing Semi. Her mouth gaped as she stared at his angelic face.

"He looks so innocent..."

How disappointing he isn't.

"Semi-san, please teach me how to jump serve!"

Semi didn't look at her, "Why would I?" He questioned, clicking his tongue as if he was annoyed. Y/N's smile grew wider as her face heated up.

"B-because you're so cool when you do that! You look like you have wings—"

Semi cut off Y/N's words as his face went red, he turned around to her, "O-oi, can you shut up? N-no, I won't teach you how to jump serve, o-okay? Stop e-embarrassing me!"

"But you're so cool!"

"S-stop calling me that!"

The argument went on and on for weeks. Y/N wouldn't back down. She even started going to the high school building just to see him. At that time, she was only a 3rd year in junior high school while Semi was a first year high school.

In the end, Semi gave up. He taught her the basics of doing a jump serve. Its position, timing.

"When doing a jump serve, you definitely need to focus— jump serve is a risky serve; there is only a low chance for you to succeed. Aside from that, you might not be able to keep up with it since it absorbs a lot of stamina."

"Do you understand now?"

"Yes! Thank you so much, Semi-san!"

Semi smiled as he stared at the girl in front of him. She's innocent, pure to everyone. She's cute. Y/N looked up to her senpai as she smiled back.

What she didn't know is that his flawless smile turned into a twisted grin.

"You're so cute when you smile, Semi-san!"

"W-what? S-shut up!"

Y/N smiled as she remembered that time when they were "close". She glanced at him again, her cheeks turning red as her eyes remained on his face.

Only stopped when she realized something.

"D-did I cuddle with Semi-san while we were asleep?!"

"Ah..." Semi groaned. His eyes opened, revealing his brown chocolate eyes. Y/N find his eyes beautiful. Their gaze met, both staring at each other intently.

Semi realized what kind of position they were in. He tried to calm himself by releasing a sigh. He then glanced at the girl on top of him again, his cold bloodshot eyes suddenly looking at her bewildered ones, "What do you think you're doing?"

Despite feeling frightened inside, Y/N remained tough, "I want to know..."


"What made you this way?"

Semi shot her an annoyed look, "Don't bother asking." He reached for the bathroom towel on the table beside the tub and stood, leaving Y/N staring at his figure as he dried his body, "You'll get sick if you stay in the water any longer."


Ushijima's clothes sure are large. His shirt looks like a dress in Y/N's body. She didn't bring any clothes so Kenna made sure to borrow a shirt from her boyfriend for her friend.

However, when Y/N went out of the bathroom as she dried her hair, she felt Semi's gaze on her. She looked up to see him glaring at her shirt, "Is that Wakatoshi's shirt you're wearing?"

"Y-yes. Kenna borrowed it for me," She was careful with the words she was using. She cannot afford to anger him again.

Semi remained quiet.

"Come here." He was intimidating, sure. Y/N followed his order and went beside the bed. He motioned her to sit beside him, she followed again, "You're making me mad."


Y/N cursed loudly when Semi suddenly ripped the shirt she was wearing, "Shit—"

"Shut up."

She wasn't wearing anything except for her underwear and shirt. She was half naked in front of Semi now. Her heart was beating fast— she could feel this familiar sensation. Longing for touch?

Deep breaths.

She glanced at Semi— whose eyes were closed and mouth gaped— as if he was trying to hold himself back. He licked his lips and opened his eyes, "Fvck." He couldn't stop himself.

Semi pulled Y/N and went on top of her. He could hear her heartbeat and her soft pants. He leaned on her ear, "Trying to seduce me with your body, huh."

"N-no, I wasn't—!" Her pants took over when Semi's mouth devoured her chests. His hands started traveling through her body, "S-Semi-san..."

"Eita." He murmured under his breath as he sucked on her collarbone, licked her neck to her jaw, to her mouth. He gave her a torrid kiss.

"E-Eita..." Y/N repeated.

She felt hopeless under him. She was yearning for his touch, his lips, his body. She tried to kiss him back and received a low chuckle from him.

"My innocent darling..."

That night, they made love. Semi was rough, but this time, Y/N enjoyed it. It was dawn when she found herself panting so hard as Semi pulled out from her insides, their juices followed.

He lay beside her, immediately falling asleep.

"Semi-san did all the work. He's probably worn out." Y/N mumbled to herself. She caressed his face and closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep.

She didn't realize but, it was the first time in every night she didn't cry.

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