Hello There!

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Welcome •

I'm so happy to announce that I'm going to publish a book of my own!

Please note that I just started writing stories like two weeks ago, so there will be a fair share of scenes that will make you cringe.

Please do not copy write my book (I'm not sure why you would want to haha)!

The prologue will be a little shorter than the actual chapters.

There will be typos due to the fact that I am in high school but 🤷‍♀️?

You guys should totally comment because I adore reading them like for real. You guys are hilarious! And maybe put in a little vote here or there? *hint*

I very much hope you enjoy my book even just a little bit and without further ado, let's begin Dipping in the River!

Don't be a stranger, don't forget to vote and comment! It would be greatly appreciated ☺️

Have a great rest of your day sweeties!



Dipping in the River 《Editing》Where stories live. Discover now