Dipping deep (3/4)

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The dark black void slowly began to manifest around me as I was awoken to the sound of someone's holler.

Squinting my eyes, I try to make sense of what had happened. It was as if it felt like a blurred vision, trapped beneath the stasis of enigma.
Then, it daunted to me. The long, stretched floor of nothingness, the beady eyes of frozen gems, the silhouettes of green overhanging in the abyss above.
"This place?", I questioned to myself.
I felt a soft lump of skin slowly caress my arm and as I turned to see what it was, the contorted creature, faceless, broken, loomed over me.

It's gem glimmered somewhere in the dark as it roared menacingly. I gasped and dropped to the floor behind me, slowly pulling myself away from that... thing...but as I kept going, it followed. Of course it did. It wasn't happy the last time I saw it.
It lost it's stance and crawled right for me. I let out a beam of light emit from my gem, lighting the thing, hoping it would get away. But it didn't.
Over the blue ray I emitted, I could see that the creature malformed. It's thick and heavy skins of flesh forming out of shape as the limbs of what had used to be it's arms and legs break into shapeless structures.

It roared and roared, but somewhere between, I could hear a voice. I wasn't going crazy. The voice was high, like a gem's and it was distorted.
I backed away, my heart pounding as I strained my eyes to the horrifying being. Then, the clump of skin gathered in the middle of it's body, slowly forming...... a face!
The face distorted and reconstructed, before it could finally reveal that it was... indeed a gem.
I shrieked to the disgusting sight, as the light from my gem waver around in the darkness.

Quickly picking myself up, I ran away. Away from that disgusting thing Before I realised there was nowhere for me to go. Each step I took didn't get my anywhere. It was like I was on a treadmill. Pulling me back from my intended direction.
The creature crawled it's way, inching closer and closer. It was no use for me running. But I didn't stop.
However, I tripped in my steps and tumbled down hard to the floor, accidentally shutting off the light from my gem.

The ground was slowly pulling me back. Back to that creature as it's roars became louder and louder. I couldn't see a thing at that moment. All I could do was whimper and struggle to get myself away.
My foot pressed against it's flesh, as I was slowly consumed under it's malformed body.
I immediately shined my gem and the face was right above me!
It moved closer to me as it's body pinned me to the floor, resembling like a spider.

I shrieked and screamed and I tried to face away from it. It kept roaring at me, and that voice, it kept on mumbling.
Something caught my attention however. Deep within it's mouth, was a glimmer, a glimmer.. from a light!

It continued to holler out it's roars, and it's face expressed as if it was about to bite me. All of a sudden, the fear in my heart faded and determination was all in my head. That light. It was so... intriguing. It somehow made me feel like I needed to get it.
I glared at it's face roaring at me, took a deep breath and climbed into it's mouth. It choked as I continued shoving myself up into it's oesophagus.
I reached my hand hand out through the walls of it's moist insides. The light. It was merely inches away.

The creature choked and began to hack me out if it's body, but I still struggled to get myself inside of it.
My fear, my disgust and all the horrible feelings I felt suddenly had just disappeared. I couldn't think of how or why but it just did!
My hand reached out a final time, dipping deep and the light was in my palms. I clenched my fist onto it and started pulling.
Half my torso was inside of the creature, pushing myself out and half of my lower body did the same outside.

The creature choked and hacked once again until it finally vomit me out.
I landed onto the floor where my body was covered along with sticky, green goop as the creature inhaled for air.
I opened my hand and I had the light with me. It shined as bright as my gem and glimmered beautifully.
The face on the creature suddenly... changed. I sat there glancing at the empty vessel as it cracked and reconstructed itself.

All of a sudden, it stopped. The face stared at me with it's empty eyes, "thank you...", it whispered soothingly.
I gave a perplexed look, and nodded.

It levitated into the air. The cracks on it's body began to leak out beams of blinding light. Then....




Zircon kept urging that we had to open the door.


The name repeated in my head as I gazed at the sight of Zircon's struggle.
"Well don't just stand there, do something!", she demanded as she tugged on the gaps of the door.
I looked around, worry - less of the Nephrite that was onto us. For a minute, it felt like as if she was close, but then, she just disappeared.

The door however was more of my worries as Zircon strongly urged that we had to open it to get to this Venturine gem she fabled about.
I turned to the door once more as I closed my eyes, seeping deep into my thoughts. I channeled the energy from my gem all the way to my hands as light began to shimmer from it.
Zircon stopped to stare at the light emitting from me, merely light but mesmerising to her eyes.

I clenched both my fists and together, they both increased in size. I felt the abnormal strength coarse through my veins as they gave off a tingling sensation all over my body.
Soon, my fists were nearly the size of a Quartz's and were just as strong as them, but much better.
The light from my gemstone faded and had drained all of it's energy to my fists as they compacted them with power.

Opening my eyes, Zircon backed away, slightly uneased to the brute state I was in. I twisted my body and my right arm pulled all to the way to the back as an adrenaline rushed through me. With one swift punch, the metal door bent out of shape and was in a scatter of pieces, smoke arising from the debris.
It took a lot out of me. I was exhausted.
In a heap of turmoil, I dropped to the floor as I began inhaling heavily for air.
Zircon lowered to me as I took her grip of stance. She pulled me up by an arm and supported me to stand.

"Tourmaline, what was that? I'd never seen any gem posses such power before! That was incredible!", she said in pure awe.
"It's just something that I figured out a few while back. The last time I ever used it was to help Pearl from getting caught in the facility.", I replied.
(Memories of shattered gems flashed through my head)
Zircon pulled away the remnants of the metal door, out of obstruction and we gazed into a dark, hollow abyss.
"I hope she'd better be worth it...", I contemplated as Zircon lowered her eyes in uncertainty to me.

She mumbled, "I hope she will...", before we entered through the dark entrance.

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