Immense Aggravation - (2/3)

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"Pearl!, Hey are you awake?!",
A delicate voice muffled through my blurry and shaky sight.
A pair of arms wrapped over beneath me as a green and pink gem clutched me in her arms, shakily running as she carried me to a direction.
"She'll be fine, we just need to get somewhere safe!", Tourmaline, who was carrying me yelled out to two figures in front running at the same direction as her. My sight was too blurry to see anything and all I could make out were just blobs of colour and scratchy light.
Tourmaline's panting was accompanied by the shouts of some guards in the background, several guards, but I was too clueless to even know what was actually going on.
She looked down to me and the last thing I saw was her eyes glowing in a flare of white light.

I was back at the ship where Tourmaline piloted at the cockpit.
I picked myself up and incongruously pushed my legs forward, trying to defy the force of gravity acting against me as the ship rumbled to skyrocket into homeworld's stratosphere. Tourmaline's voice in the background echoed out loud as she spoke into the recording device on the ship's main computing panel,
"Shuttle W-47, has successfully taken off and is now currently preparing to exit the atmosphere. Launching shuttle into hyper-...", a loud bang erupted from the ship as an alarm rang out into a deafening blare.
I recognised the scene now as a shock of realisation hit me that the whole situation was some sort of memory, but, it wasn't mine.
"...reaching out to central commander, this is shuttle W-47, the airlock device of this shuttle failed to activate, please send assistance. I repeat, please send assistance!", she glared into the communicator but got no response.

She continued to plead but still with no avail of getting response. I reached my hand out and clutched onto her seat as another bang emitted following an eruption of black smoke from the ship.
It was too shaky and the roars and rumbles of the ship were to violent that I lost my stance and my feet and body dangled in the air. The ship was driven too steep that it seemed that there was no hope in saving it if it were to crash.

"I Repeat, please... send... HELP!, Oh whats the points!", Tourmaline exclaimed again in despair as her hands struggled to reach out to press the buttons on the panel in an incongruous manner. A deep black void from behind me had suddenly arose, it was consuming everything in sight, until I could no longer make out Tourmaline's panics. The black void consumed the whole scene that the seat I was holding onto disappeared, causing me to fall and have a final glimpse of Tourmaline at the time before her voice muffled and faded into nothingness.

I continued falling, unknowing where I would end up to. My mind eased a bit as the ground came closer to me.
I hit the hard paved flooring, face first but felt absolutely nothing. I stood to look at nothing but darkness and the faded grey floor surrounding me as I squinted and spun around trying yo look for someone or something.
Out of the shadows, it was Tourmaline, she emerged from the thick layers of darkness and strode her way to me. I paced myself all the way to her and stopped to inspect her.
"Tourmaline?", I asked unsurely hoping to actually get an answer.
She looked up to me,
"Hey..", she said giving no sign of distress whatsoever.
"It - its you! Where were you? Why am I here? Whats going on?!", I asked with all my questions lacing with curiosity.

"I'm sorry! You passed out, I knew it was going to happen, I just had to send you here!", she explained giving the slightest of her answers.
"Wait, wh- why did I pass out?", I asked forgetting the cut that I had on my elbow. She explained again,
"It was the stuff on your elbow, I think it was some sort of, corrupting, liquid.", I gave a puzzled look,
"Corruption? But, that power can only be held by non other than our diamonds, what are you talking about?",
She looked at me seeming to puzzled as well but explained in an instance,
"I knew what I saw, I just had to do this, its just right! I know its right! Look, your form was, deteriorating, my ability to warp us into memories is intended only for protecting my owner from corruption, and you are my owner, and I could tell what was happening!",
I looked around in the darkness still in a worried and confused manner, thinking of what happened and the conditions of the other gems that were with me before.
"Wait, how did you even escape from being captured by that Peridot, what happened to you since the last time I saw you?..", I tilted my head slightly to her.
"Well, I have my ways!", she replied smirking and crossed her arms.
"I was actually going to follow you to the court and join you in on the trial but I got.... distracted..."

Used to be abused - Steven UniverseKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat