"It was three times" she laughed

"Okay okay my...is that smoke" I stopped laughing and walked infront of her

I opened her room door, and it was just flames everywhere.

"Oh my god" I said pushing her back into the room

"This nigga wont stop" I said

"Do your systems not qork?" I asked as her alarms were not coming on or the inside sprinklers

"They are supposed to..."

"Come on" I grabbed her hand

"My things..my phone" she said

"Fine here" I wet a towel and put it over her face

"Go out the window use my phone to call the police" I said as I opened the bathroom window

"Just come on" she said

"Mercury go"

I went back into the room, and was grabbing her things, her bag she hand with her phone and then her laptop, her mothers necklace she always talked about.

The room was so fucking smoking I couldn't see shit. I couldn't breath nothing.

"Fuck I grabbed the necklace that was handing on the TV

I jump out of planes not fight fires. I took off to the bathroom, and Mercury was still waiting.

"I told you to go, please go"

"You were in here, I wasnt going to leave you"



"Love the house is literally on fire, please go before I throw your ass out there" she climbed up and out.

I did the same, we wait it to the street, and the fire department was there, people were standing outside with the police.

"Is anyone else inside?" A cop asked

"No, just us" I said

"Can someone look at her she was in the smoke for a few minutes" Mercury said

"Yes ma'am" me and Mercury walked over to an ambulance

I could see it in her face that she wanted to cry but she didnt. The looked me over I was fine besides red eyes, a cough and my skin was a little red and irritated from the smoke.

They took thirty minutes to put the fire out. Her house was burned down, nothing was saved besides what i grabbed for her.

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