Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I honestly had no clue where we were or where we were going.

Who knew just how big this place was on the inside? Apparently the compound was a lot more than just a ballroom, and I was beginning to realize that my plan of simply finding our friends and getting out would be a lot harder than I originally considered.

The good thing?

The guard definitely didn't suspect a thing.

He walked ahead of us, his gait casual and careless. He quietly hummed something under his breath, not seeming to care much about the body he was holding in his arms (AKA  Max) or my crying self following close behind him.

I sniffled again for good measure and wiped my running nose on my dress's sleeve. I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep this act up.

And what would happen if and when we reached whatever medical center there was? They would obviously realize Max was completely okay and become suspicious. That meant I needed a new course of action immediately.

We were inside, now we just had to get rid of the guard.

I moved closer to the guard, still sniffling loudly. "Do you think he'll be okay?" I asked, trying to conjure up more tears. It was difficult.

The guard didn't seem to care. "Probably."

I nodded as if that was all I needed to hear. I kept walking alongside him, as I desperately tried to think of something to do. Tackling him seemed like a bad idea because he was much bigger than me. I didn't have any weapon. I had no leverage against him.

The only one who did have leverage was Max who happened to be in his arms at that moment.

We stopped outside of some sort of metal door that looked semi-suspicious. Would this be it? Was this where they were keeping everyone?

I highly doubted it.

The guard opened it and we walked inside. The room was like a miniature doctor's office with two small chairs and cabinets covering the walls. They obviously were prepared in case of emergency. The guard sat Max down in the chair. Max kept up the act and tumbled forward.

I let out a noise, actually a little concerned for Max as he hit the ground.

The guard let out an irritated sigh and ignored him. I grabbed his shoulders and propped him back up. Then, the guard turned to face us once again, a few pills in his hand.

I wondered if he even knew what the hell he was doing.

"Pretty sure these are for pain. He probably just had too much to drink. He'll wake up and he can take these," the guard ordered, handing me the pills. I nodded obediently.

Seriously, if this had been an actual emergency, Max would be dead at this point.

"Thank you so so much."

The guard just rolled his eyes. "Sure. Whatever." He grabbed Max again and began walking towards the door. We were leaving. We needed to do something ASAP.

"Wait!" I shouted, still sitting in the chair.

The guard paused, turning to face me with Max still in his arms.

I struggled to think of something to say. The guard was quickly becoming tired of my antics and obviously wasn't in the mood for waiting.

"Yes? Is there something else you need?"

"Is there a bathroom?"

He turned back to the door. "You can use the one in the ballroom."

I frowned. That didn't work.

Then, I saw the syringe on the counter.

It was filled with something, but I hoped it was something bad.

I grabbed the syringe. Upon hearing the clink of it tapping against the table, the guard turned. At that point, it was too late.

The needle was in his neck, and the liquid was slowly being injected into his bloodstream. He dropped Max who immediately got back to his feet. He stared at me in shock as the guard ripped the syringe from his neck and let out a literal roar.

I turned and sprinted out the door dragging Max with me. Then, I slammed it closed behind us, hearing the guard banging against it. This was one of those times when I wished doors locked from the outside and not the inside.

He kept banging and despite both Max and I leaning against it to keep it closed, I knew it wouldn't hold much longer. I glanced over at Max. "You got any good ideas?"

His eyes were wide, and his face was pale. He just looked confused and terrified. "Not really."

I looked around the hallway – there wasn't much that we could make use of. Then, my eyes latched onto the fire extinguisher.

Max noticed it at the same time I did.

"I've got an idea," I whispered.

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