Chapter Six

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Volt raced through the streets trying to catch up with Reverse Volt. The speedster could see his adversary ahead of him, weaving through traffic as he followed just behind him. Abruptly, Volt cut a hard left, shooting down a side street before zig-zagging through the city. He ran out back onto the street he and Reverse Volt had been racing down just as the other speedster raced up, and the two of them zoomed off again.

"You can't outrun me!" Volt yelled, causing his adversary to glance over at him and smirk.

"Watch me," Was all the other speedster said before in a burst of silver lightning he was gone. Volt skidded to a stop, before turning and racing away. He knew he should turn on his coms to tell the others what had happened, but he didn't feel like it. As he reached an alleyway he ducked into it, skidding to a stop as his suit came apart in ribbons and was sucked into his speedster ring. With a sigh, Matt walked up to his motorcycle and grabbed his jacket, shrugging it on before jamming his helmet on his head. He climbed on the bike and started the engine, activating the speed force engine before peeling off with a loud crackling noise.

"Matt!" yelled a voice above the speedster. Sparrow was trying to keep up behind his bike as if sped down the streets. Matt sighed as he turned off the speed force engine, skidding sideways to a stop. Spare landed a little too quickly almost causing her to fall over.

"Are you ok? Did you catch him? Did he hurt you?" She asked quickly, scanning him and ignoring the stares from the people walking by. It was easy to see their faces due to the light of the jumbotrons glowing in the night.

"Yes, no, and no." Matt said, rattling off the answers to her questions one after the other.

"Did you learn anything?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest. She clearly was now more annoyed with him than worried after learning that the speedster was ok.

"No," He said flatly.

"Well in that case..." Sparrow said. "WHY IN THE WORLD DID YOU LEAVE WHEN WE WERE IN THE MIDDLE OF A MISSION!? We needed your help! I went back to the site and three more of Tremor's mercenaries were there. Black Arrow was almost taken down by Hypno. We almost lost Arrow and Nick."

"I HAD A CHANCE SPARE!" Matt yelled, slamming the visor of his helmet up. "I had a chance and I took it!"

Spare suddenly threw two metal feathers at the tires of his bike causing them to pop. "I had a chance to betray you so many times and yet I'm still here! I HAD A CHANCE TO REMEMBER MY PAST TODAY BUT THAT MEANT LOSING THE TEAM! THAT MEANT LOSING YOU!"

Matt raised an eyebrow at her, a slight smile tugging at his lips. "Losing me?" he asked.

"I was offered a chance to remember everything if betrayed you." She said, her eyes softening. "I couldn't bare the thought of losing the one person who gave me a second chance. I like you, Matt."

"I doubt you'd ever be able to keep me away for long," Matt said, smirking. "I'm to fast for you."

Spare smiled at him. "Well, I could just hide up in the clouds." She said, relaxing. "I don't think you could reach me there." 

"Race up a building, launch into the air, use my arm and spin it to create a wind vortex to give me more altitude," Matt said dryly. "Easy."

Sparrow laughed. "Sure." She said then noticing the people starting to crowd around them. Sparrow was still in her uniform but Matt was not. Sparrow suddenly stood up straight and tried to act like a bodyguard. "We need to get you somewhere less public Mr. Wood."

 "Please," Matt scoffed, putting his visor down as he revved his bikes engine. "I can handle myself." With that, he spun his bike in a full circle, before kicking the speed engine motor to life as he shot off, leaving a crackling trail of fire in his wake. Sparrow rolled her eyes and shot into the air. 

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