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"I honestly don't know Hyung, but i regret it.
I seriously do and i need to talk to him.
Please just let me go talk to him."
Taehyung begged.

Namjoon crossed his arms. "Go. But don't bring up feelings you arent sure of yet. Just fix your friendship for now, got it?"

Taehyung nodded and opened the door quickly, interrupting any conversation that was going on between the 4 members and the maknae.
He watched as Jungkook slowly looked at him and then frowned.

"Hey Jungkookie..."


Things were awkward when Taehyung sat down next to a quiet Jungkook. Everyone else decided to leave the two of them alone to talk.

“Are you okay?” Taehyung asked Jungkook.
He wanted to reach out and ruffle his hair, but he knew if would just give off the wrong idea.

Jungkook sat still for a couple moments, looking down into his laps where his hands sat, picking at his nails. He knew Taehyung was asking if he was okay prior to collapsing, but he wanted to tell him that he wasn't okay. He wanted to tell Tae that all he wanted to do was sleep.

“Yeah..I'm a bit exhausted but nothing i can't handle.” Jungkook's words came out bluntly.
He didn't know how to act around Taehyung in that moment and he felt incredibly nervous that Taehyung was going to finally end things completely between them.

Taehyung felt hurt looking at Jungkook acting the way he was. He didn't blame the maknae.
He didn't blame him at all. Taehyung blamed himself for being such a dick.
As he sat there looking at Jungkook, he wondered how he could ever hurt someone as soft as him.

I'm…” Taehyung's words got caught in his throat as he tried to speak.
”I'm..sorry. I reacted so horribly. I really did.”
He sighed. “I don't want us to not be close anymore.” he slid on the couch closer to Jungkook who still avoided eye contact.

Taehyung suddenly grabbed Jungkook's chin and turned his head gently but quickly to face him. “Please look at me” he breathed out.
When his eyes met Jungkook's he could see that they were dull. The usual sparkle that lived there was gone.

"I know that we can't pretend all of that never happened, but please Jungkook. Can we still be friends." Taehyung gave a sad laugh as he still held Jungkook's chin. "I don't think i can live without you."

Jungkook wanted to forgive him fully.
He knew somewhere in his heart that he already did but he still remembered the incident he witnessed between Hoseok and Taehyung.
That was really the only thing keeping him from jumping with joy from Tae's words.

Jungkook was confused as to why Taehyung wasn't asking about his crush but he decided not to bring it up.

"As long as you don't leave me again."
Jungkook put the tiniest smile on his face
"we can be friends."

Taehyung smiled and hugged Jungkook hard.

Jungkook slowly hugged back, feeling content with what he had with Taehyung.

What Jungkook doesn't know though is that Taehyung will put him through a world of hurt before he finally discovers his true feelings for the younger boy.

Things between Jungkook and Taehyung became subtle and comfortable again about a week later. They all hung out at their dorm, making sure Jungkook was fully enjoying and taking care of himself during their time off.

Of course some of the members would be in their studios most of the time, thinking of new things and music to produce.
Yoongi likes to make a bunch of small cute songs he'll sing to the members every once in awhile..or well, try to.
Everyone always coos over his softness.

Besides that though, the bangtan members are usually in their own rooms all day, or they're out of their rooms and hanging out with each other.

Jungkook loves hanging out with his hyungs, but he can't help but feel awkward sometimes.

He doesn't know if they feel uncomfortable around him or not. No one has really brought up the whole interview thing with him yet except for a few "This doesn't change how we feel about you, Kookie" but nothing about Taehyung.

Jungkook knows that Taehyung has acted differently around him. Tae's either really giddy and talkative or he's really off and distant. Jungkook hates it. He misses Taehyung even though he sees him all the time. He misses him in a way he didn't know he could miss somebody.

Things between them were comfortable, yeah, but it wasn't how they used to be.

As Jungkook layed in bed, he sighed quietly to himself. It's 3 in the morning and he's just awoken from a nightmare. His nightmares usually consist of his hyungs disowning him and kicking him out.

He's gotten used to it so he doesn't wake up in tears anymore like he used to a few weeks ago.

Jungkook sat up and rubbed his eyes sleepily. When done, he flopped his arms back down onto the covers and licked his lips as he looked around his room aimlessly.

He soon stretched for his phone as he saw it laying next to his pillow. He fell asleep before he had the chance to plug it in to charge.
Jungkook chuckled and turned the device on.

He yawned as he let his eyes adjust to the brightness of the screen in front of him.

"What the.." Jungkook whispered to himself as he saw that he received a text from Hoseok around 2 hours ago. He felt nervousness wash over him. Does he know that Jungkook saw him and Tae together?

He let out a long breath as he opened the message and then frowned with confusion.

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