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Jungkook sighed as he guided his hands along the hallway walls to steady himself.
He felt exhausted and just wanted to sleep.
A lot happened in just an hour.

He was out now. His crush was revealed.
He lost his best friend. It was too much to take in.

How was the band going to work now?
Was everyone just going to pretend this didn't happen? Jungkook stopped in realization and brought his hands up to his face, pressing himself into the wall. "Oh God what about army."

Everyone loves Taekook. Jungkook knows because he's seen so many Twitter posts about their friendship and about...other stuff. He knows It'll be painfully noticeable if they aren't close anymore. He doesn't want to disappoint or upset anyone.

Jungkook pushed himself forward more. Hopefully when he gets to the restroom and cleans himself up, Jin won't realize that he hadn't actually gotten a drink of water.

When he reached the restroom he pushed himself through the door and approached a sink with a mirror above it. He grimaced when he saw his reflection. He was entirely puffy and red.
His makeup was smeared everywhere and half of it covered his hands from when he touched his face.

"Ew..just ew." Jungkook talked to himself as he cleaned himself up, washing all of the makeup off of his face with a lot of scrubbing. When he was done his face was still red and puffy, but at least he looked sane again.

"Okay..noowww, smile!" Jungkook spread his mouth into a grin. He wasn't sure why but he heard somewhere that smiling could help improve your mood, plus, he needed to be able to fake it well enough if anyone saw him.

"Ugh whatever" Jungkook walked to the bathroom door and pushed it open again, stepping out into the hallway. He turned to go back down the hall from which he came until he heard loud laughter coming from the other direction. Loud laughter that sounded like Hoseok's.

Jungkook debated on continuing back to the rest of the members, but his curosity got the best of him as he turned to approach the sound of the laughter he heard just a few seconds ago.
He heard voices becoming more clear as he got closer. It was definitely Taehyung and Hobi.

 It was definitely Taehyung and Hobi

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Namjoon texts Hobi:

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Namjoon texts Hobi:

Hoseok started cursing as he got up from the floor

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Hoseok started cursing as he got up from the floor. After he pulled Taehyung to the ground they wrestled for a couple minutes until Hoseok's phone buzzed next to him with a text from Joon.

Hoseok pulled Taehyung up with him and hurried down the hall to Jungkook.

Taehyung didn't know what was going on, but he could tell it was serious by the terrified look on his friend's face.

Before Taehyung had a chance to fully ask what was wrong as they ran down the hall, Hoseok was bursting into the room they were in earlier.

Namjoon was there waiting for Hoseok as he burst into the room, ready to ask questions.
He watched as Tae came in confused, clearly not knowing what was happening.

"He's in the staff room. It was the only place with a med kit and some oxygen" Namjoon said.

"Oh god, is he okay!?" Hoseok asked quickly. "What even happened?"

"Wait who?" Taehyung's comment got ignored.

"I'm not sure yet but apparently the staff around here saw him running through the building." Namjoon tried to keep his voice steady.
"He fell hard Hobi."

"He fell mid fall!?" Hoseok cried out as his eyes opened wide.

"What is happening? Who passed o-"

"Yeah..hopefully he doesnt have a concussion. Yoongi cried. He won't admit it but he did." Namjoon stood up and walked past the two men towards the door.

"Come on, lets go se-" a yell interrupted Namjoon.

"WHAT IS GOING ON!" Taehyung was tired of being ignored.

Namjoon sighed and grabbed Taehyung's arm.

"Just follow me."

Taehyung's thoughts were running wild as Namjoon dragged him throughout the building. When he stopped, Taehyung looked up at the door, peeking in through the small glass window. He wasn't exactly sure what he was looking for until he saw Jungkook.

Jungkook was laying back on a small couch.
He was awake but to say the least,
he looked like shit. He was completely pale and his hair was slicked back with the sweat his body was producing from just trying to keep him conscious.

On his left side was a small portable oxygen tank, indicating that he just got finished with using it.

Taehyung immediately went to open the door until Namjoon stopped him.

"He was dehydrated and stressed.
Apparently he hasn't been drinking much water.
I told Jin, Yoongi and Jimin to talk to him about the seriousness of not keeping hydrated.
His reasoning was adorable...but it led to this and you helped."

Namjoon felt bad as Taehyung turned to stare at him with hurt, but it was the truth and he had to understand that.

"I was such an asshole" Taehyung frowned and looked back at Jungkook. "I think i freaked.
I did freak and i feel horrible." He stayed quite for a couple moments before speaking again.
"When the crush thing happened..i..i felt something new and it scared me.
It scared me so much."

"I don't know if I feel the same, but i feel something? I think. I don't know."
He sighed and Hoseok laughed.

"Well, you two can continue your little chitchat bUT i am going to go see baby kookie now so move it." He pushed Tae playfully out of the way and entered the room.

When the door clicked shut Namjoon spoke up.
"I get that things are confusing. He's your best friend and he has a crush on you. It's okay to freak..but you broke his heart Tae."
He became stern. "You aren't his friend anymore? What the hell were you actually thinking?"

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