Chapter Fourteen~ Happy Birthday!

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Casey is fixing my hair and sighs. She picks up some makeup stuff and dabs it on where Stark bite me. I wince at the pain amd then I sigh,why hasn't it healed?

"He got you good." Chandler says and smiles.I'm wearing the dress so yes the bite is showing.

"He is avoiding her." Casey says.

"He needs help. I mean don't take this wrong but both of you don't have a mate and I'm pretty sure he cares because of the 'birthday present' he gave you." He says using air quotes around birthday present.

"What do you mean?" I ask as Casey does the last bit of putting the moon stone around my neck.

"He likes you." Chandler says.

"So does Jagger." Casey says.

"Wyatt seems interested but scarred." Chandler adds.

"Shut up." I say and stand up.

"Beautiful!" Casey says and hugs me. I haven't took of the bracelet sence I put it on.

"She is. In an Alpha girl way." Chandler says and Casey playfully hits him.

"Time for nothing." I say and walk out to come face to face with Stark who pales.

"Uhhhhh." He says and looks at the mark on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"I ugh,uhh,bye." Stark says and runs yes runs away from me.

"I'm a human sized Stark repellent." I say. I walk outside and see everyone in all the packs here dancing and everything like that.

"Happy Birthday!" Srick shouts and hugs me,then leaves. I get that at least a thousand times in the next three hours.

"Happy birthday." Kian says and pats my shouder and I whine at the touch.

"Oww." I say.

"Sorry." He says.

"It's cool." I say.

"But really. Happy Birthday!" Everyone shouts the last part and I cover my ears. Having like a million of people shout that hurts. I might or might not be exaggerating. They sing and I blow out the candles on my huge cake. I won't open my presents until all the Alpha,Beta and Thirds of my age are in my room tonight.

I sip on my coke as Casey and Lily walk over to me. Morgan follows them and Casey sets my cup to the side and we start to dance. After a while I hear Ares calling my name so I go to him and his grandparents and they hug me.

"It's time to declare the hunt." Ares says.

"Okay." I say and walk to a stage.

"Listen up!" Ares says and everyone is quiet.

"I Erin Black de-"I stop when a pain shoots up my leg. I hear a pop and the pain starts to come.

"Erin?" Ares asks and I stand up.

"I,Eri-Erin Bbbbbla-"I stop as I hear another pop and I feel Ares put his hands around me. I scream with pain as I hear my bones pop and crack.

"I told you." I hear Raven say.

"Let me go!" I shout and fall to the ground and my back arches up and pops. It hurts abd is very painful. I move to my knees and feel my body changing and my bones moving.

I fling my arms out and throw my head back and let out a growl and that's when I feel the power. I feel stronger and better. I stand up amd everyone is looking at me.

Happy birthday Erin!

A familiar voice says in my head. I smile and I can feel it. I move back to the mic and my smile grows.

"I,Erin Black declare the Full Moon Hunt starts now!" I shout abd people cheer realizing what happened. I jump and shift in the air and Era takes form.

I hear growls abd howls behind me and stop to see Jagger beside me wagging his tail. It's funny and kinda cute. I look around and I see him in the distance with a smile in his eyes. I see Stark.

'Siraton...Not Stark.'

Era says like it's logic. (A/N it's pronounced Sir-A-Tone.)

I take off running and see Siraton run ahead of me. I get to the cove and raise my head and let out a howl along with everyone else,even Stark.


Era shouts.

'Why do you care?'

I ask.

'Because he gets mad if you don't call him that.

Era says as we lower our head and goes to the woods. I hear Casey's bark and I look at her as she takes down a bear and she bows her head at me saying it's a gift. I dig in with her.

'Hey beautiful!'

Catlen (Casey's wolf) says.


Era says and we bark at each other before taking off again. One thing is one my mind why now? What happened to bring Era back?


A little short but Era is back! Why does Siraton,Stark's wolf not like to be called Stark? Why is Stark avoiding Erin? And why is Jagger so freaking happy?




The Wolves of Crystal CoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora