Chapter Twelve~Mutt

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He smiles knowing I was right. They look just alike it's scary. Jagger isn't a Grey wolf he is a Clade wolf and that means he has no clue who his real Beta or Third is. He was lied to by his parents who told him he was their birth child but he isn't.

"Why is she in a tub?" A boy asks. He looks highly annoyed.

"This is Jagger's twin brother Kian." Sirberous says. Kian has brown eyes with a blue spot beside his left pupil. Other than that and the scar on his lip they look just alike.

"Hey Phil dad wants you." Jagger shouts and I hear the front door close.

"Why?" Dad asks and I see Jagger lean on the door frame. My bathroom is huge. He has blood all over him.

"We found some rouges at the border and they put up a good fight." Jagger says. He can't leave again.

"Mom this isn't even working!" I shout and sit up. All of the ice has melted.


"If Ares left something is wrong and I'm laying in a tub that is no longer ice!" I shout and Jagger moves in my way. He has blood all over him."Move." I say.

"Phil?" Jagger asks.

"Don't." Dad orders.

"Thi-"I stop as I see the blood on my stomach. My scars are reopening. My legs give out and Jagger catches me and I see the silver whip. No this can't be happening. I can't tell if I'm dream or if I'm not because I see Jagger and then he fades and I'm in a daze.

Just my luck! I feel someone pick me up and I'm in my bed again. "Making it stop!" I scream.

"Stark get her legs!" Jagger shouts. I see I see Stark at the foot of my bed and then I see one of the rouges instead. I scream and kick at him and he smiles evilly.

"Noooo!" I scream as Stark reappears and my foot hits his lip busting his lip. He grabs my ankles and holds me down while Jagger grabs my hands.

"Stop!" I scream and keep thrashing around.

"Erin it's going to be okay." Stark says and that's when I see him. In the body length mirror is non other Cooper Nichols. The vampire who likes to drink my blood. The son of the man who tortured me. The boy who every rouge vampire says needs me because he is addicted to me and my blood. He is the boy who made my wolf leave. I scream abd try to move.

"No!" I cry and see Cooper smile,flashing his fangs.


Someone is trying to mind link me. My head is pounding and there is blood everywhere. I stop screaming and start to cry.

"I don't want to go back!" I shout. Cooper touches the mirror and it ripples under his touch. His hand comes out and I try to get away.

"You won't!" Stark says. They can't see him. No,no,no. I'm back in the dark underground room with Cooper walking to me. He smiles.

"Erin I've missed you." He says and touches my arm. I'm tied to a chair,not sure of what he means I've been here for years.

He holds a small dagger and gently cuts my skin. He kisses me and then licks the blood off of my arm.

"Five months. You've been here for five months." He says and then his fangs go into my neck. I scream.

"Jagger! Jagger! Help!" I scream and Cooper sighs as he pulls away.

"Soon. Soon I can actually enjoy drinking your blood." He says and I see Stark at my feet and Cooper beside him but a little older than a second ago. He smiles at me and then goes back to the mirror.

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