Chapter 12: Awkward

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To say that these past few days haven't been awkward would be a lie. It had been. Anytime we would run into each other I would go the other way. We hadn't even taken our photos and it was due  Next Friday. It's not like I wanted it to be awkward it just was. When we were forced to talk it was short sentences and one word answers. Brit knew what was going on because I told her. She was now not talking to any squirrels because they ruined her ship sailing. 

I was wondering what he was thinking in that moment did he want to kiss me or what. I was just confused. I know I wanted to kiss him. What was going through his head? I'm fine just being friends but what did he want to do? I just wanted to fix things so we can go back to normal.I was determined to fix things even with my feelings for him. I don't think he knows but I still like him but don't want that to get in the way of our friend ship. But I cant do that until we talk. Brit could see the difference in our attitudes and has been telling me about him when she's sees him. She says that he is good. That's good I think. 

Every thought I can think of includes him. Why did I have to like him out of all the people? Why did he have to dominate my thoughts? What do I do? Does he think think of me as much as I think of him? 

"Sage are you alright your not paying attention to the class" Brit said bringing me back the our social studies class. She was right I wasn't I was lost in my own mind. I was just stairing at the front when we were supposed to be doing our work. 

"Yah I'm fine just thinking" I responded looking at her. 

"Thinking about Jaxson" She asked already knowing the answer. Of course she did she was my best friend and I always knew what she was thinking or who she liked she didn't even have to tell me. What ever happens she will always be with me no matter what. But she has better experance with guys than I do because I have only had one boyfriend. She has. Yah I talk to them but never romantically. Hell I don't even know when I'm flirting with guys. But she switched guys like she switched her clothes before she meet Nick. I'm glad she met Nick. She deserves to be happy. I used to like this guy. She helped me realize that I only like this guy for liking someone. After that we became sorta friends but he has a girlfriend and hangs out with his friends. Him and I don't talk much. 

"Yah but I cant help it. I'm only wondering what he was thinking." I said honesty. I was just confused.

"Have you tried talking to him about it?" She asked

"No I haven't." I said sadly because I knew she was going to yell at me for wondering when I haven't even talked to him. 

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME SAGE YOU HAVENT EVEN TALKED TO HIM AND YOU WORRING ABOUT HIM. SAGE TALK TO HIM ALREADY BECAUSE HES PROBABLY WONDERING THE SAME THING. YOU BETTER TALK TO HIM NEXT TIME OR FOR SO HELP ME GOD I WILL RING YOUR NECK! UNDERSTAND." She yelled proving me right. She had a point so next time I see him I'm going to talk to him about it and see how that goes.  I just walk off without another word to find Jax. 

{Ok I know that it was a short chapter but the ext one will be longer i promise but I didn't know what to write}

[dont forget to vote, comment, and share my story out would really help me] 

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