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mina: momo-ssi

mina: oh shit, it sent|

momo: she ate fast?¿|

mina: she's typingsbdhwkdba|

momo: yes?

mina: thank you for today ^.^

momo: uhm yeah sure

mina: oh shit! is it awkward?|

momo: sent a photo

open file?
yes or no

mina: she took a picture of me from earlier..|

mina: it's me?

momo: yeah, you look so adorable earlier😂

momo: oh wait, i'm not on oppa's acct. ghad i become so used of complimenting her sjajsbah|

mina: fucshsjshah she said i'm adorable shshhsh|

momo: adorkable😂

mina: she took it back :<|

mina: i was about to say thank you :<

momo: why not say so

momo: you're an adorable dork

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