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I can't cry........ I don't wanna cry. I've been in my  room for 2 days straight. Jennie has been out of the hospital since I left. 

Suddenly I got a call. Jungkook? I answered his call,



"Hy-Hyung.... c-come t-to Jennie's house now! you won't like what you will see...."

just like that he hung up.

I lazily took a taxi to Jennie's house, not caring what I look like. 

When I got there.... there were many ambulances and police cars in front of her house. I got shocked, I ran in to find Bangtan crying hard as heck.

What the fuck? 

jungkook ran to me, as he gave me a note written fully in blood

Hi Yoongi, I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry I forgot about you

I'm sorry I humiliated you

I'm sorry I wasted your time

I don't deserve to be alive.... I'm only alive and well because of you.....

I can't handle a heavy life upon me everyday.

I'm sorry.... I really am

You won't see me anymore and that's what's good.

Have a happy life okay Jagi~~?



I couldn't handle myself anymore... I cried and cried and cried and cried. Namjoon carried something to me. And I was shocked to see what he was carrying. It was.......

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