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Author, Jennie, Yerin, Hoseok and Yoongi are in the same class. Jennie was told to do the math problem on the board. When Jennie was solving it, Yoongi couldn't stop staring at her. He tried to calm himself down, but it's just not working. Jennie sat back down.

The bell rang, as everyone went their ways. Jennie went to Yerin, and as always, walked to the cafeteria.

"Hey.. ya know that Yoongi guy?"

Jennie asked Yerin.

"Yeah wae? --gasp-- OMG DO YOU LIKE HIM?!"

"WHAT?! NO! EWW!! I was just asking you, do you think he's cold?"

"Probably.. nan molla... you?"

"I think so.... he's pretty cold..."

"Just admit it Jennie! You like him!"


"Fine... then... let's bet!"

"Uhuh.... what is this 'bet'?"

"If you fall in love with him during the next 5 years.... you have to kiss him. INFRONT OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL...."

"Pffttt to easy! I'll never fall in love with him! Deal!"

Jennie, and Yerin went to the cafeteria and did what they did.

Meanwhile Yoongi was just watching them from the distance.

'Huh.... that no wonder she's the sunshine of Seoul... she's pretty, smart, athletic, nice, has a bright personality, everything! She's a whole package..... D-Do I love her?'

Yoongi thought in his head.

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