The Day He Came Back

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Peter's POV********

I had stayed up really late last night while working on some projects that I had gotten behind in due to my spiderman nights. So when I came stumbling down from my lab at seven in the morning for the first day of school after IW dad and pops told me I wasn't going anywhere today. Let alone school which always made me more tired due to my introvert and the whole dying thing.

I was currently tinkering away at a project for the R&D labs and trying to get the code to work when Dad came in.

"I know you're tired but Angie, you know the inturn, Angie? Called in sick and no one else can lead a tour group through the tower?" Dad asks and I nod.

"Sure thing Dad," I say while standing up.

I stand up and pull my long hair up on top of my head so it's out of the way. I had changed since IW and no one understood why. I was taller and stronger then I was before. I also had a completely different personality and face from the person that I was before.

I walk out of the lab and into the elevator.

"What floor would you like to go to Mr. Parkour?" FRIDAY asks from the ceiling.

"First-floor FRI," I say and scowl for no reason.

I had always been scowling since coming back. Ever since I died.

I hadn't noticed until then but the elevator stopped and the doors opened. I quickly step out of the elevator and head over to the group of rowdy kids. I was only a few paces away before I realized that the kids were my old class.

"Can I all have your attention please!?" I yell out and everyone turns to face me.

"Are you Midtown high?" I question and almost snort.

Of course, it's Midtown high. Before IW I went to a whole school year with them.

"Are you our tour guide?" Mr. Harrington asks.

He looks just like he did before IW, maybe he was part of the half of the universe that was snapped?

"That's right Mr. Harrington, I'll be leading you around today," I say while trying to hold back a smirk.

"What do you do here?" A boy who wasn't at Midtown when I was there asks.

"I'm a head scientist here at Stark Industries," I respond.

"You seem very young," Another student whose name was Amy, or I think that's her name.

"Your right, I just turned eighteen two months ago," I say.

Everyone seems shocked at this and I had to hide another smirk.

"How long have you been here?" James, who's another student asks.

"Since I was fifteen, I started as a personal intern," I say back.

"Did you know a kid around your age, he would have been here when you were. His name was Peter Parker," I turn my head around so fast that I hear a crack towards the voice.

I was stunned at who asked that question and in what tone.

"Flash why do you want to know?" I question looking him over and see a look of sadness on his face.

"I wanted to know if he was still here, I wanted to apologize to him for bullying him," Flash says.

"Why?" I ask and cock my head to the side.

"I was in the part of the universe that was snapped out of existence, I learned a lot in that year about life," Flash says an I can see that he really means it.

"Well then you're looking at him," I say and smirk.

"Wha?" Flash asks dumbfounded.

"That's right, My name is Peter Parker and I'll be your tour guide today," I say smirking when all of the class gasped and looked at me as if I had lost my mind along the way.

"Shall we start?" I ask and start leading them on a tour of a lifetime.

I know it's short but I want to put it out there.

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