Part 5 (degrading)

Start from the beginning

I may not have been a hybrid but I somewhat understand their stand having being thrown out by your own parents and living on your own. It is not always easy for everyone, even for the richest man on earth.

"We don't have silver spoons in our mouths since birth and having every single thing we ask for. No we don't. We are not privileged and so we have to work hard. We reap what we sow." I told Taehyung who suddenly have a determined expression on his face.

He gave me a really tight squeeze.

"Thank you Jiminie." He left me all alone on my bed and went for his. He fell asleep while I went downstairs to continue my work at the shop. I saw Jin hyung ring up the guys just now. I went to him and told him all the things that Taehyung shared with me.

Yoongi pov

I was sleeping in my bed cuddled up with Hoseok all day. It was nice though. We have never slept on beds and it was nice to sleep on the soft mattresses. It was way better than sleeping on floor mats which were hard to sleep on and super rough. I am so thankful we were sold here instead of to some hybrid traffickers.

I would rather be dead than to go through that horrible process.

I mean although Jin's scolding did hurt my feeling a little but it wasn't as bad as what my previous owners would do if I every disobeyed their stupid orders.


"Min Yoongi! You get down this instant now!" my master shouted from the downstairs living room.

"What the hell you fucking bastard went on to break my items not only that, you hurt my children!" He continue to shout.

"Looks like you good for nothing is so disobedient huh? You need some punishment to put you in your place right?" He took off the belt that he was wearing and folded it to half.

"Bastard!" *slash*
"Good for nothing!" *slash*
"Slut" *slash*
"Kill yourself! I don't even know why in the fuck hell my father bought you. You're so fucking useless." *slash slash slash*
"Hybrids are such stupid retards who don't know how to control their own actions!" *slash*

My skin would end up splitting into to after the punishment consequence for something I had never done. I spent most of my days sleeping so I don't have to deal with an owner with anger management issues.

"Kim Taehyung!" He would always scream for all of us to be punished even though it was his children who actually destroyed those precious vases he held.

I would ask him to hit me instead of my dongsaengs. They mean a lot to me no matter what they were or what wrong they had done. They are my precious babies and I wouldn't let them get hurt ever.

After taking the beating for four people, I would always end up in the bathroom to wash up on my own. My wounds from the beatings were bleeding profusely. However no one really cares about me and my well being except for my dongsaengs who would always come into the washroom and patch up all the wounds they see for me.

They would never let me get hurt even for a bit. If I do get hurt, they would wrap me up in all the bandages they could find and make sure that I heal fully before leaving me alone.

They might be clingy and a little over affectionate, but I still love them with the whole of my heart and I would save them first without second hesitation.

However God wasn't always on my side of the game. I heard the window glass shatter from below on the first floor. Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok were still on their sleeping mats with me in the store room. I could hear footsteps stomping up the stairs and coming towards the store room. I felt myself getting pulled up off my sleeping mat and yanked out. I was sleeping closest to the door.

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