The next fifteen minuets were spent humming different tunes and whispering comforting words to jungkook, slowly pulling him from his panicked state. Jin had tossed over Jungkooks bottle of Hydroxyzine (a wonderful prescription that calms you down from a panic attack, 10/10 would recommend I'll put my personal experience at the end) and told Tae to give him one with some water. Jungkook refused at first, but gave in when he accidentally looked out the window. That pill was a blessing.

Alas, the drug wouldn't help Jungkooks fever or nausea, but it would keep him calm enough to sleep, eat, and breathe. The younger eventually pulled away from Taehyung and sniffed one last time. Ding the small ring went throughout the plane letting everyone know that they could now unbuckle, use the toilet, and lay their seats down. A small cheer followed by clapping from the seats in front of Tae and Jungkook indicated that Yoongi fell into his headspace.

Jin shut his eyes and prayed to god that the little would stay behaved. Yoongi dug through his blue bag, bought especially for these situations, and pulled out his koala stuffie and a Junie B Jones book. Jimin smiled and ruffled Yoongi's hair, he gently took the small book from Yoongi's grasp and started reading it to him. Luckily, most of the people on the plane were either American or Russian, which meant they couldn't understand what he was saying.

Taehyung loosened Jungkooks seat belt to provide him more comfort and unbuckled his own. He stood up from his seat and opened the overhead compartment to get his iPad so he could watch Netflix. When he found it he plopped himself down and picked out Stranger Things, even though he had already seen it. He placed the device on the tray table in front of him and shifted it so Jungkook could watch/read the subtitles as well.

"Is this ok kook?" Taehyung asked.

"Hmph." Jungkook grumbled, his eyes shut and head pounding. "Sleep now?"

"You can sleep." He responded plugging in his head phones and placing one in his left ear, just incase Jungkook needed him.

Jungkook managed to sleep for next four hours, missing the adventures of little Yoongi on a plane. The little was pretty mischievous, he reached up to the small lights above their heads and clicked them on and off repeatedly, telling Tae, who was watching, that he was communicating with the birds outside by using Morse code. Taehyung laughed and told yoongi to tell the birds that he thinks they're beautiful. When Yoongi got bored of his fifth episode of Max and Ruby, he pulled out some blank paper and wrote a letter to Namjoon, who was furthest from him. He decorated it with many stickers and made sure to add a heart at the end.

After that he made Jimin take him to the bathroom four times in a row, needing an excuse to move, but being to shy to say so. On the third trip Jimin understood the situation and brought Yoongi up to see the pilot. His eyes lit up with fascination when he saw the big control panel covered in buttons. His instinct was to run and press them all, but Jimin had a sturdy hold on Yoongi's hand. The little happily skipped back to his seat and cuddled his koala, pilot, and started dozing off to the gentle rumble of the plane. Jimin was struggling to stay awake himself.

Jungkook pried his eyes open when he slipped out of his unconscious state, being hit in the face with a brick called nausea. He sat forward and groaned. He gazed around the plane, trying figure what time it was and where people were. When his gaze landed on Jin he paused and stared. Jin.

Jungkook clumsily climbed over Taehyungs legs, making sure not to wake him. When he made it to the isle he stopped to catch his balance, swaying. Jungkook felt bubbles crawl out of his throat, coming out in silent burps that tasted horrible. Jungkook took two steps, followed by immediate regret. The simple movement nearly made him vomit all over the floor. Jungkook clasped a hand over his mouth and panicked.

"Jin hyung! H-Help!" He murmured urgently through his hand, shaking. Jin turned towards Jungkook and jumped up when he saw the youngers state.

"Sit down here." Jin said urgently, guiding Jungkook to his own seat. Jin kneeled in the isle and pulled out on the vomit bags from the seat pouch. He quickly flapped it open and held it underneath Jungkooks chin.


Jin wiped the sweat from jungkooks forehead as he threw up. Everyone looked at the poor thing, even though it was gross. Jungkook cried once before heaving up more stomach contents.

"It's ok Kookie~ shhhh hyung is here." Jin soothed, sealing the bag and grabbing another.

"Don' wanna. It hurts." The younger said choppily, wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

"How much does it hurt on a scale of one to ten?" Jin asked, growing more concerned. Jungkook sniffled and inhaled deeply.

"S-Seven." He whimpered, coughing loudly and throwing up, missing the bag slightly, sending the browny-yellow stuff onto his lap. "Ahh!" He sobbed, becoming more overwhelmed.

"Shhh, it's ok jungkook, it's ok. We can clean it up, shhh." Jin said quietly, grabbing tissues and wiping away jungkooks tears and snot. He looked around hopelessly, trying to catch one of the sleeping members attention. Unfortunately, everyone, including Hoseok, was passed out and in a deep sleep.

"Is everything alright?" An unfamiliar voice asked right as Kookie gagged. Jin looked up the white lady who stood patiently behind him. He sat still for a second, pondering the dumb question. He panicked for a second, sifting through his English in his mind.

"My friend do-doesn't, uhm, he um...uh. Sick, not ok." He struggled, ultimately getting the message across. "Can we have water, please?"

"Of course, just one moment." And with that she was gone.

Jungkook's head lolled sideways and his eyes drooped half lidded. Jin swallowed his nerves and felt Jungkook's pink cheeks. He was warm, very warm. Jin pursed his lips and pulled the bag away, sealing it to contain the smell. Jungkook whimpered and wrapped his arms around his abdomen, whining. Jin hushed him quietly and rubbed his shoulder and neck.

"It'll be okay Kookie, we'll be in a hotel very soon. I promise we will take care of you." He said, hoping that the younger heard him.

"Promise?" Jungkook whispered, holding up his shaky pinky.

"Promise." Jin stated, wrapping his pinky around Jungkooks tightly. He would never break a promise.

Hope you like it! I'm very busy with school atm. I have an English final and Science project currently on the works so updated may be slow for a little while :(

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