Chapter 17: Comfort

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Song: Spring day by Bts

Taehyung pov:

"Well it all began when my mother passed away. Most of you guys already  know that my father passed away when I was little and that my mother remarried my stepdad. When she died I was left in the care of my stepdad but he didn't care about me. He began drinking, smoking and hitting me." I tell them .I saw Jimin wide his eyes in horror, Namjoon wanted to say something but he held his tongue while Jin had tears in his eyes. Hoseok and Yoongi kept listing and Jungkook didn't let go of my hand. "The beatings became worse through the years and I got hurt, I was blue and sore everywhere on my body and had trouble moving without wincing out in pain. I was ashamed of not being able to fight back so I hide it from all of you what resulted in never letting you in my house. Jungkook found out a few days ago because of the project and tried to help me get out of there, that is why I now live with Jungkook." When I finished I hadn't notice that while I was talking tears streamed down my face.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Jimin asks me.
"I was scared that you guys would have gotten hurt too and above all I was ashamed of myself."
Jimin stood up and wrapped his arms around me "I am here for you Tae." I sighed out in relief and looked over at the others. I saw that Jin was crying softly.
"Hyung?" I ask walking over to him.
"I can't believe I never noticed it, I am supposed to protect you and I couldn't." Jin answers hugging me.
"Jin it isn't your fault."
"Taehyung is right babe." Namjoon cuts in "It is his stepdads fault."
"You're right." Yoongi replies standing up "Maybe we should teach him a lesson."
"Violence doesn't solve anything it will only make it worse and cause more pain." Hoseok says.
"I agree with Yoongi." Jimin speaks up.
Jin wiped away his tears "We should call the police."
"Jin is right." Jungkook spoke up for the first time since I told them. "I am not letting Taehyung near that house ever again."
"Jungkook I need to get my stuff." I argue.
"Then we are coming with you." Namjoon speaks up.
"That was what we were going to ask all of you." Jungkook replies
"Okay then let's go." Jimin says standing up
"Wait a second." Jin replies going towards his bedroom. We all looked at him weirdly but then he returned with a baseball bat "Now we can go."
"We are not beating him." Hoseok says "Because if we do we are as bad as him."
"Hoseok is right." I agree
"It is for our own protection." Jin argues back "I am only going to use it for self-defense."
"Actually I think Jin has a point, we should protect ourselves." Jungkook agrees
"Okay fine, take it with you." I say giving in.
"Why do you even own a baseball bat, you don't play baseball." Yoongi questions the eldest in the room.
"Well if someone breaks in I can use it." Jin replies.
"Just grab a knife out of your kitchen." Yoongi retorts.
"What if that person is in the kitchen?"
"What if that person is in the room where you put you baseball bat?"
"Then I get a knife from the kitchen." Jin responds
"Guys this discussion is pointless, let's get Taehyung his stuff back." Namjoon cuts in with a small laugh before pushing all of us out of the house.

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