Chapter 8: Taehyung's house

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Song: I am you by stray kids

Jungkook pov:
After few more days of school it was finally Saturday. I spent the whole day dancing at the dance studio with Hoseok, Jimin also came by unexpected and joined us. Hoseok had a smile on his face when he noticed Jimin was watching him while they danced. But since I could see the both of them I could also see that Hoseok was amazed by the dance skills of Jimin. I left a little early so I could give them some privacy. Hoseok mouthed a thank you before I walked towards the dressing room.

After dance practice I got a call from Yoongi who was up way to early for his doing on a Saturday. "Hey Hyung you never wake up this early." I reply when I picked up the phone.
"He said yes." Yoongi says sounding happy.
"Rapboy20." Yoongi responds
"He said yes to set up a meeting?" I ask feeling happy for my friend.
"Yes next weekend." Yoongi replies.
"I am so happy for you hyung."
"Me too, I have to go now my bed is calling me bye Jungkook."
"Bye hyung." I chuckle before hanging up.

The rest of the day I was busy with homework before I went over to Taehyung his house. I looked at the address he sent me and when I looked at his house I raised an eyebrow. It was really dark looking there were no colors outside and no flowers or something like that anywhere. I knocked on his door that opened almost immediately revealing Taehyung. I smiled when he pulled me inside the house. I looked around the living room and saw that there where no pictures in sight and that it smelled like alcohol and smoke. "Let's go to my room." Taehyung says quickly dragging me after him upstairs. When we reached his room I noticed that his walls were a threating color of grey. He had a small bed standing by the window, his desk was covered with papers and he had a wardrobe that looked like it could collapse at any moment and also here were no pictures in sight. But my gaze rested on a few paintings in the corner of the room. I walked to them and looked at them closely, they were really good and the only colorful things in the room.
"You paint?" I ask the orange haired boy who was watching me from his bed.
"Yes but those were my mothers." He replies sadly.
"What happened to your mother?" I ask him taking place next to him on the bed.
"She died because of cancer when I was around eight." Taehyung sighs "My dad on the other hand was a soldier and died in battle when I was five."
"So you only live with your stepdad?" I ask him.
"Why didn't you move in by Jin or someone?"
"Because my stepdad got custody over me since my mother set In her will that he would become my guardian when she dies and unfortunately she died, leaving me with that monster."
"Why do you call him a monster?" I ask him placing a hand on his knee.
Taehyung chuckeld "He doesn't care about me, no one does."
"That is not true, Jin cares about, Namjoon, Jimin and me of course."
"You just met me." Taehyung retorts
"So that means I can't care about you?" I challenge him,
"No it does not." Taehyung smiled "Do you already have an idea for my photos?"
"I do but we have to visit a museum tomorrow and the park of course."
"Sounds like a plan." Taehyung says but then we heard the front door open and I saw him stiffen at the sound.

Hey guys,
So I just watched the burn the stage movie and it is amazing.

I don't really want to spoil it for the people who are still going to see it. But the movie is really beautiful, funny and emotional.

I recommand the movie to all of you

Hope you enjoy the update.


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