Chapter-1- Reunion Night

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Hi everyone, I am back with new fan fiction, this one is on my favourite Forth and Beam, this story just struck me while travelling. 

'Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.' said by Franklin D

I hope you all will like this story.....thanks for reading  :)


Life after university was hectic; you give your best to become someone you always dreamed to be, little did they knew was being a Doctor will change them forever. A typical day for these crazy Doctors stars with rounds in Hospital, knowing the status of their patients...making sure they recovered, knowing their discomforts and making sure they start their journey towards recovery. At times life is so not times things just are not under your matter how hard you a time you just give up in front of imminent circumstances.

Beam has learned to accept things and to overcome his failures...though they were just a few of them, his level headedness has helped to sustain him in the long run. Being a Neurosurgeon, he has to take lots of rational decisions. He stayed away from the life he use to have, things change when he started getting serious with his studies, he just left behind that Casanova life.... they all have long back given up on their craziness.

But today was somewhat different, as they have always been known as a crazy doctor gang, today they have decided to forget who they have become at present, and are going to relive the good old days. Today is the Reunion day and they just want to enjoy every ounce of it.

All these friends though they might be known as the notorious ones.....they are still being remembered for what they have become....they are all friends with that coarse and brutish Engineering gang. Forth has been just the same as he use to be, the Hazing gang Leader.... till date he emits the same aura.

At the Club...

The Engineering gang was the one who made it first to reach the club.....girls and boys name it, they all were drooling over this handsome always he was in a very casual Black T-shirt and ripped jeans. This look of Forth donned with his badass image, a few cuts and bruise made everyone loose their sanity...till this date...and it will continue to be like this...because that's what he is...Badass...Forth. His parents had long given up on him, being the only son he was always given that freedom to live his life....with no responsibilities. He was pampered by his elder sister...she was the main reason for him to be the rebel...taking care of the entire business and letting the younger one to live his life. The gang still consists of Lam and Park.... both being in relation always stick with their best buddy Forth no matter what and they all were waiting for the doctor gang.

When the crazy doctor entered the club, it was as if the world stopped.....Phana was with his cute and lean wayo....over a period they have changed and now they looked so different, but they still make the sweetest couple. Where as Kit and Ming look more like a 'we can work it out' couple, they had their share of arguments, few disagreements and they get resolved at the same time. They look like cope with day-to-day problems that are inevitable in any long term-relationship...they are the ultimate 'we' couple. And finally the most wanted single, most wanted Beam...he still has that stunning smile and that awfully handsome face makes it more difficult to keep their attention somewhere else. And here it is the arrival of the Doctor gang with their partners.... except for Beam.

They all huddled up at one table, sitting adjacent to each other where in Forth and Beam knowingly or unknowingly sit together....and that was enough to bring back old memories.

They all were talking and enjoying every bit of each others company, suddenly Beam felt the urge to look at the person next to him...he just turned to his right...when he looked at Forth, he notices his gaze was fixed at certain place...that look in his eyes as if he is out for hunting for his prey. Suddenly Forth was smacked on his head by Beam, he just glared at Beam, he said "Enough with your hunting will not die if you don't do it are acting as if your life hangs by the thread" Beam just rolled his eyes after looking at Forth....nothing deters his spirits.

Forth was so consumed with this kind of life that it never made any difference, he suddenly got up and started walking in the direction where he was looking. Holding a glass of beer, he just moved towards the bar counter where he found a really cute looking guy in glasses, he was blushing the moment Forth made his moves and started talking to him. Forth always had that smirk on his face which was like I will get what I matter what, I will just get one can stop me. Beam just looks in that direction, knowing well the kid will just lose his innocence due to this devil, he has known this devil for quite a long time....not telling his deep hidden feelings....he always admired him from a distance....but after so many years he just can't hurt himself...he has to do it. For Beam it's now or never with him.

Beam just excused himself, he made a mental note everyone was consumed with each other enjoying the couples company, where as Beam never felt that he was a third wheel in those couples same was for Forth. He just followed the direction in which Forth went with that cute kid. He just entered the washroom area and he was greeted with the site of Forth just resting both his hands on the sink counter and that cute kid all over him. This scene just pricked in Beam what he did was just tapped on the young man's shoulder; he saw how flustered that young man was. Beam took that young man by his hand and politely asked to go away from this entire for Forth he still had that hungry look in those beautiful eyes.

Beam just went face to face with Forth and just shook his head, disappointment evident in his eyes.... the next thing that happen was so sudden, they both didn't know. The moment Beam turned Forth just yanked him towards him, as Beam was all set to move out of the washroom. The next moment he was in Forth's firm arms....he was back hugged by him...sharing the warmth....the comfort he felt can't be compared with anything. Forth just buried his head and inhaled Beams scent, he just turned and smacked both their lips...Beam just automatically closed his eyes, wrapped his hands around Forth's neck and got consumed in that kiss.

There was no holding back, Beam just grabbed Forth up lip and started to suck on it, he made sure that a moan is escapes from him, he kept on attacking aggressively. Forth just caught his lip by reflex and violently closed the gap between them, they were now so consumed that they moved themselves in nearby cubical and closed the door with a loud bang.

Beam waited for so many years...and finally he was able to get lost in that kiss.... little did he know things were about to change.


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