The Forrest of death!

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We met in front of the forest. I signed waiver, and they gavsve me a scroll.  Eventually a man came, and gave me a look of pity. Probably because I was taking this exam alone, but I didn't let it shake me. I wasnt alone. I had tons of people with me. I had Haku, Zabuza, my mother, and Okami with me. Even if they wernt with me physically they still mattered to me, and I knew I would be alright. So when the timer went off I went to find Naruto. I found Sakura, and Sasuke, but no Naruto. I didn't get to ask them where he was before a wind blew us away.

A lady stood before us, and when I looked into her eyes, I saw my death. I smirked, and got up

"I am not going to die so your little genjutsu has something wrong with it!"

I ran at her, and unsheatged Shisui's Tantõ that he had given me, and sliced her cheek open. She just laughed, and summoned a snake. I stabbed the snakes eye, and jumped back at the lady

"Who are you? You snaky Bitch?"

"I am Orochimaru...."

I jumped backwards, and onto a branch closing my eyes

'Okami I need your help...'

Do the summoning Jutsu, and get the hell away

I nodded, and quickly did the hand signs, and bit my thumb. I slammed my hand on the ground, and a giant wolf appeared.  My eyes widened. This wasn't Okami....

"Child... Why have you called upon me...?"

"Kill Orochimaru!"

I ran away from the fight to see that Sasuke, and Sakura were no longer there. I gasped, and teleported to them. Sasuke was leaning against a tree, and was bleeding.

"Sasuke where is-"

I couldnt say anymore because someone bit my neck. I went limp, and fell from the branch we were on. My sword fell out of my hand and landed on the ground, and few feet in front of me.

I finally hit the ground, and it felt like every bone in my body broke. I yelped in pain, and clenched my jaw shut.  I forced myself up, and pulled the explosive tags out of my pocket. How many did I have you might ask... 500. I smiled, and jumped up despite the pain I was in, and tackled Orochimaru, and set all of the tags off. There was a big explosion, and I flew back into a tree. My back popped, and I went into my mindscape for the second time today.

"Okami... Can you block the pain?"

"Yes, but be careful. I don't wanna heal you more than I already am."


I opened my eyes, and saw Orochimaru about to bite Sasuke, and surprise. Naruto was here. I teleported in front of Sasuke, and got bit again.

"Leave him alone!"

I shot ice senbons at him, and sliced him open with the executioners blade

"Ahh the executioners blade.... I recall Zabuza Momoichi had it, but alas the akatsuki killed him, and his little friend...."

My eyes turned cold, and I stabbed him multiple times until my world turned black.




I felt some one shake me, and I opened my eyes to see Gaara.


His cheeks flushed a deep red, and I smiled

"Where am I?"

"Still in the forest.... We saw you, and I didnt want my first friend to die...."

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