Bell Test

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I slapped the snooze button on my alarm looking up at the ceiling. Time to get up and be a ninja...

I forced myself to take a shower before getting dressed. I put on my normal blue t-shirt with my cloak. I walked nextdoor and dragged Naruto to my apartment and cooked us both breakfast. I made a small feast of bacon, eggs, toast, and an Apple. Naruto stared at me as his stomach rumbled i stared at him and gesture for him to eat but he stared at me before telling me our sensei told us not to eat. I sighed and looked at him,  
"And how are you supposed to do your mind duties on an empty stomach with limited energy?"

He facepalmed and started shoveling food in his mouth. I smiled and started eating as well.


"Your LATE!"

I opened my eyes to see the banchee chewing out our sensei. I groaned and rolled over, but sadly I ran out of tree. I was falling. I braced for the ground, and about a second later I hit it with a loud CRACK

"Kurosu!?! Kurosu!?!"

I Pulled myself to my feet, and go up stretching. Only when I tried to bend my arm it wouldn't bend. I looked at it and it was bent in a 90 degree angle backwards. Naruto looked at me horrified

"Y-Your arm!!"


"Were you up there the entire time?"

I nodded, and bent my arm back, and used Blue chakra surrounded it until another Crack was heard

I flinched, but quickly recovered

"How did you hide your chakra for so long?"

"You learn things when you are a traveling shinobi"

"How long have you been a traveling shinobi?"

"Since I was six. My turn, Who are you all?"

"Oh Kurosu-chan! That's Sasuke-teme and Sakura-chan and he's Kakashi-Sensei"

"Sooo emo, pinkie, and Kakabaka. Got it Naru-chan!"

"Hey! Don't insult Sasuke-kun!"

"Your annoying.... Do you know that?"

I smiled, and turned to Kakashi

"Okay! Lets get this show on the road what do we gotta do?"

"Get the three bells from me. Whoever gets a bell passes"

"Seems easy enough!"

I ran, and tackled him while putting a rajin symbol on his back, but failed in getting the bells

I sighed as he threw me back, and I hit a tree. I disappeared after I hit the tree, and I appeared behind Kakashi, and stole the bells replacing them with copies of the bells.
"I didn't say START yet!!"

"I wasn't aware the enemy waited until you said start..."
He groaned, and disappeared, and I put a bell in everyone's pocket, then went to take a nap. I knew the meaning of these exams, but I was not going to succeed in getting everyone to work together.
Sasuke's to cocky, and Sakura is to obsessed with him, while Naruto Wishes to prove himself by working alone. I finally found a comfortable sleeping tree, and fell asleep


The Bell ran loudly, and I fell from my sleeping area only to be caught by Kakashi

"Ohayõ Kaka-baka Arigatõ!"

"Its no problem...."

"To the stumps! My noble steed!"

He rolled his eyes, but teleported there, and I saw Naruto tied to the stump, as Sasuke was leaning against one, and Sakura the other.

BrokenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora