Too stubborn to die!

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I smiled as I walked to the bridge alongside Sasuke, and Sakura. He, and Naruto Finally scaled the tree, but Naruto worked too hard, and we let him sleep in today.

Fog rolled in, and my body went rigid as I sensed Zabuza's Chakra

"He is here...."

There were bodies everywhere I thought all of them were dead, but Sasuke said they weren't.

I let out a breath of relief, but then a dense patch of fog crept in, and me, and Sakura got infront of Tazuna

"Kakashi.... I see you still have the brats with you.... Oh look that one is shaking in fear"

"I'm shaking.... With excitement!"

Sasuke killed three water clones, and went after Haku. I heard his screams, and flinched, but then Naruto arrives yelling, and dropped into a dome of ice. I flinched, and then after 20 minutes felt an overwhelming chakra.

The nine tails....

Is Naruto okay?

I looked to see Sasuke on the ground probably dead, and Onii-San dashing forward. His mask was on the ground shattered. I looked at zabuza to see Kakashi about to chidori him. I noticed Haku running toward Kakashi-Senseis jutsu.

"Oniisan!! No!"

I ran forward my features merging as power flowed throughout my body. I ran infront of Haku, and felt a strong burning pain in my chest as electricity burned throughout all my nerves. I didn't cry out in pain, or bite my tongue off. I felt release. I gave my dad a smile, fully knowing I was going to die before I mouthed to him.

'Its not your fault. I love you.'

Tear ran down his face as I fell backwards to be caught by Haku.

"Kuro.... I.. I... Don't understand.... I killed one of your precious people... Why'd you save me...?"

"You are more precious than me."

Then I entered a room full of clouds. A woman was there. She smiled at me, and I walked over to her.

"So... Is this the after life are you Kami?"

She chuckled

"No. You're not dead and I'm not Kami. I'm flattered you'd think me that powerful but You are in a death like state, but you aren't dead. True your heart isnt beating, and you arent breathing, but that is because my chakra is healing you. You wont die as long as I am inside you!"

I stared at her confused

"What do you mean?"

She stepped forward, and transformed into a woman with long white hair, and red around her eyes.

"Kurosu...When you were born you were pulled into the vail between the living and the dead and in order to save you your mother summoned me. She sealed me inside of you to save you and watch over you as you grew and got more powerful. For as long as I've watched you. You have been kind, caring, and selfless. For that I am telling you my true name, and allowing you to sign a summoning contract with my tribe."


"I am Okami, the wolf goddess of the sun!"

A scroll appeared in her hands, and she handed it to me, and I bit my thumb, and signed it with the blood, and smiled to her. She smiled to me, and I glowed white.

"It is time to go child. I will talk to you later."

I opened my eyes to see nothing but darkness. I smelt earth and felt around to realize I was in a casket. I sighed glad they didn't bury me without one.

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