Chapter 11

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Hey everyone, this is Chapter 11. Sorry it's short! Just thought I'd add in that the Closing ceremony of the Olympics was fantastic last night! Enjoy!

Helz :) xx

Jenna’s POV

I opened my eyes to find that I was staring at a white squared ceiling. The bright light was so blinding, my eyes began to sting. I sat up and I was lying in a hospital bed, with wires hooked onto me. I pressed the buzzer and a doctor walked in.

“You’re awake!” the doctor said, smiling at me.

“Uh, yeah. Why am I here?” I asked stupidly.

“You collapsed outside, so we brought you in here,” he replied. “My name is Doctor Roach by the way.”

“Why is there a load of wires stuck to me, I’m fine!” I said, pointing towards the wires that had been shoved into the skin of my hand.

“Your blood pressure was extremely high and your heart was beating incredibly fast, we needed to monitor you to make sure you were safe,” Doctor Roach replied.

I looked at what I was wearing. Great, a hospital gown. It wasn’t just Drew that was lying in a bed then.

“What time is it?” I asked politely.

“It’s 10.58am, you were out of it all night,” he replied.

“Do you know anything about my friend, Drew Hutton?” I asked with hope.

“Ah yes Drew, can I tell you about her after?” Doctor Roach asked.

“Alright, will she be ok?” I replied.

“I think so, we’re still making sure she is stable,” he said.

“Thanks, that’s the first piece of information I’ve heard about her since she first came here,” I replied.

“You just lie there and rest, you can watch television if you like,” Doctor Roach replied, gesturing towards the remote.

He walked out of the room and I switched the TV on. I grabbed my phone from my bag and saw that I had a text.

Mrs Hutton: Any news? No planes until the end of the week to Cyprus. Please update me on what’s going on and give Drew my love. Love Mrs H xx

I replied

Me: Hi, the doctor is letting me know about her later on. Don’t worry I will take care of her, I’m in a hospital bed at the moment because of high blood pressure and heart rate, but nothing major. I’ll let you know anything that is said, love Jenna xx

I slipped my phone back into my bag and wished for someone to be here with me. A part of me wanted Jake back but a part of me didn’t. I lay down, watching a Turkish version of Sponge bob Square pants.

After about an hour a tanned guy came in with a bunch of flowers and some chocolates. I recognised him perfectly, it was Deniz.

“Jenna, are you ill too?” Deniz asked in surprise.

“No I just collapsed that’s all,” I replied, gesturing him towards the seat next to the bed.

“I heard about Drew, is she ok?” he asked with a worried tone. “I brought her some flowers and you some chocolates.”

“Thanks, you didn’t have to,” I replied, taking the box and placing them on the bed side table. He put the flowers down and sighed.

“So is she ok? I’ve been really worried,” Deniz asked.

“All I know is that the doctor is going to let me know what’s happening after,” I replied. 

“Ok,” he said.

I knew in my heart that Deniz liked Drew. He didn’t like her as a friend, but more than that. Every time he saw her he smiled and his whole face lit up, you could feel the happiness in the atmosphere.

“I know it’s only been a few days, but I really like Drew,” he confessed. “She’s different to everyone else; she’s beautiful, kind and funny. She makes me so happy. It would kill me inside to see something bad happen to her.”

“Aww that’s so sweet,” I replied.

Doctor Roach then came into the room.

“It’s ok for you to come and see your friend now and your visitor if he wants to,” Doctor Roach said.

“Thank you,” I replied, getting out of bed and pulling the machine behind me like a dog on a lead.

We walked through a load of rooms and then halted outside one.

“Please but some sanitising gel on your hands, we do not went any bacteria or infections entering this room,” Doctor replied.

We did what we were told and entered the room that Doctor Roach had opened. Deniz handed the flowers to Doctor Roach in case of any infection entering the room.

Walking in, I saw Drew, lying in the bed in front of us. She looked so pale and weak. There was the constant sound of beeping and tons of wires connected from a machine to her body. Doctors sat in the room next door, ready for any type of emergency.

“Can we touch her?” Deniz asked politely.

“Of course,” the doctor replied.

We both gently placed our hands on her cheek and hair. She looked so peaceful. After about half an hour we exited the room and went back to my bed.

Doctor Roach followed us and sat down in the chair on the other side of my bed.

“Now, about Drew,” he began. “She is now stable but she is in a coma, we believe she won’t be in it for much longer, perhaps a few days? We ran some tests on her and have found some problems with a few of her organs, that explains why she was tired, had headaches and things like that. We are going to operate on her but we are going to wait until she wakes up because it could be dangerous operating on her while she is still in a coma.”

“Will she be alright?” Deniz asked, looking concerned.

“Yes, I think she will. But don’t be prepared for constant good news, there can be a few problems within this whole process,” Doctor Roach explained.

“Like what?” I asked.

“Well the operation may not work and she may be left with a few problems, but there’s an 80% that she will walk out of here just as healthy as what she was when she entered this country,” he replied. “We have to perform this operation; otherwise we are afraid she will become worse within the next few weeks.”

“Thank you for your information, I believe she will be ok, my heart can feel it,” I replied honestly.

“That’s the way to think, think positive!” Doctor Roach said, leaving the room smiling.

“Not as bad as what I thought she was but it’s still pretty scary,” Deniz said.

“Yeah, she’ll pull through,” I replied.

I texted Mrs Hutton with all of the information I just discovered.

“Well I have to leave,” Deniz said. “You rest now and don’t worry, I’ll be back to see you tomorrow.”

“Thanks Deniz,” I replied with a smile on my face.

He left through the doors and I closed my eyes, drifting into a sleep.

Feel free to comment, thanks :D

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