Chapter 5

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Hey everyone, this is chapter 5! Dedicated to NovembersAngel cause she's awesome. Check out her story! Enjoy!

Helz :) xx

I woke up with a slight headache and the urge to throw up. Surely I didn’t have that many cocktails the night before? Lifting my hand to my head I realised I had a temperature, I tried getting out of bed but I felt faint. Looking at the clock, it was 7.58am. Jenna would be awake any time soon.

 BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP! Jenna opened her eyes, complaining that she was awakened.

 “Oh hi Drew, you ok? How long have you been awake?” Jenna asked in a sleepy voice.

 “Only a few minutes ago. I feel awful, do you?” I replied and asked to Jenna.

 “Apart from feeling tired, I’m completely fine” she replied. She dragged herself out of bed and planted her hand on my forehead. “Hmm, you are quite warm aren’t you? I’ll call room service.” And on her word, she headed to the phone on her bedside table.

 “Hi, my friend is feeling very unwell. Yes, no. She has a very high temperature and she is feeling faint and weak. Ok, thank you. Bye”. She put the phone down. “A doctor is on her way up, you just lay there”.

 As I lay down I heard the water running in the bathroom and a flush of the toilet. I then heard the scrubbing of her tooth brush and cupboards opening and closing. Then there was a knock at the door.

 “I’ll get it” Jenna shouted, walking out of the bathroom in her PJ’s. “Yes, come in” I heard Jenna say. The next second Jenna returned to the bedroom with a female nurse with a first aid kit.

 “Hi I’m Barbara, the nurse here at the hotel. I’m just going to measure your temperature and examine you and so on ok” the nurse said.

 After she checked me over she smiled at me with her teeth.

 “No need to worry, just a slight temperature and fever. With these tablets you’ll feel better within an hour. Take them every 4 hours. I suggest you don’t go out of town today because it’s too far for you to walk. Enjoy the rest of your holiday” Barbara replied. She left as Jenna guided her through the door.

 “See it wasn’t that bad” Jenna said, coming back into the room. “Try and get out of bed, you’ll feel better trust me.”

 I swallowed my tablets with water and lifted myself up. My body swayed a little as I stood up, but I managed to maintain my balance. I went into the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I decided I’d have a bath in the night, otherwise I would have felt even more tired than I already was.

 I walked back out of the bathroom to find Jenna in the walk in wardrobe, choosing what to wear. I decided to join her, both of us picking out clothes and shoes. We decided to wear some shorts with a bikini top and bottoms underneath; we were heading to the pool that day.

 Jenna styled my hair into a tight pony tail and she did the same to her hair. We laughed at each other in the mirror; we looked like twins!

 “I forgot to tell you. I rang home yesterday to find out that mum has hurt her head and is in hospital, but she’s fine” I told Jenna.

 “She’ll be ok; your mum’s a tough cookie! How about we order some room service and have breakfast on the balcony?” Jena suggested.

 “That would be great” I said, with a smile across my face.

 She ordered the food and we went and sat on the balcony. The sun was gleaming in the air and the heat reached the balcony. There was a slight breeze in the air that was refreshing. Within a few minutes there was a knock at the door. I opened it, and a waiter with a trolley came in and placed our food on the dining table.

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