Chapter 3

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Hey everyone, this is Chapter 3. Dedicated to EmmaStone96 cause she's awesome. Enjoy!

Helz :) xx

Looking in the glass mirror of the elevator I saw my tired reflection stare back at my figure. Jenna was too busy in her own world while we travelled slowly up 8 floors. “What a posh lift” I thought to myself. Gazing down at my feet underneath was a plush red carpet that looked perfect, just like new, like no one had even walked on it. Everything in this place seemed to be made out of glass, everything I touched that was glass I broke. I was a terribly unlucky person.

 “I hate lifts, I hate lifts” Jenna was singing to herself with her fingers in her ears and her eyes remained closed. I wasn’t a big fan of lifts myself but I’d learnt to cope with the headaches and the sickness that you get in your stomach.

 “Not long now Jenna, one more floor to go” I said reassuringly to her.

 DING! The door’s of the elevator open and I caught myself looking at the long corridor ahead of me that seemed to be going on forever. Me and Jenna drag our suitcases out of the lift and remain standing like statues.

 “Now ladies this is the 8th floor of the hotel, you will find your room straight ahead, to the left and then the second room to the right. Here is your key and enjoy your stay” said the hotel worker, handing me the key to our room.

 We walked along the straight and very wide corridor ahead of us, popping our heads up every now and again at the beautiful canvases that were placed on the wall. They were truly stunning, not the sort of thing you’d find back at home in England. One picture was made purely out of crystals; it was a carved figure of two people holding hands on the beach. “Me and Jenna will be like that, best friends” I smiled to myself.

 “Come on Drew, it’s only a picture, let’s go and see our room!” Jenna exclaimed excitedly, practically power walking with her suitcase by this time. I hurried behind her, almost bumping into a family of three that happened to be passing by in the corridor. We really did stick out like sore thumbs. Everyone else was tanned and we were white like sheets. They spoke Turkish and Greek, we spoke English. I supposed we were going to have to get used to it for the next three weeks.

 After taking a left and then reaching the door on the second right, we found our room. Looking up at the shiny gold number that read 301, Luxury Suite, I and Jenna smiled at each other excitedly. I placed the old fashioned key into the lock and turned it, both of us listening to the click of the door open. Wow. It wasn’t your average hotel room.

 Jenna and I ran in, abandoning our poor suitcases in the corridor, they could surely wait for now. It was amazing, the whole room! As you walked in, you were stood in the living room. To your right was a giant plaza TV screen, and to your left was a blue sofa and one of those circular sofas that you can sit and spin on. Located in the centre was a coffee table made out of, you guessed it, glass. But it looked stunning don’t get me wrong. Jenna had sprawled herself on the floor on the fluffy rug, like a star fish.

 Straight in front of you was a balcony with French doors. Opening the door I felt the cool breeze blow in my face as it lifted my blonde hair up slightly. My lips open slightly in order for me to take in all of this amazement. The view was incredible. A Jacuzzi was on the left while on the right was a wooden dining table with an umbrella shade. From the balcony you could see the beach, the hotel pool below and the some of the beautiful city. I went back inside in order to let Jenna take a look.

 Going back in and facing the way I was as I walked in, I continued to look around this suite. On the left was a kitchen, I laughed to myself because neither me nor Jenna could cook. I couldn’t even prepare a pot noodle yet alone cook a meal for the both of us. But it was a stunning kitchen, with glass cabinets and every kitchen essential you could think of. On the bright side there was a cocktail maker.

 I opened the fridge door, to see heaven. The fridge was full to the brim of chocolate, drinks, snacks, and marshmallows, anything you could think of. On some of the shelves were bottles of wine and some fizzy drinks that would keep us refreshed.

 “Drew come in here, you won’t believe how amazing this is!” Jenna shouted from the other side of the suite. I walked slowly into the room that was on the right which I guessed would be the bedroom. I was right.

 The first thing you saw was a bed. Two beds at that, and they were humungous. One was a turquoise blue bed that had a mini TV and sound system manually installed inside it. The other was purple with exactly the same features. I lay down on my blue bed, and I was amazed at what was above me. A part of the roof was made out of glass, where you could see out of it and at night I suppose you could see some fireworks and stars. At this moment in time I could see the sun, shining through the glass. It was beautiful.

 To the right of the room was a giant walk in wardrobe, which could fit mine, Jenna’s, and probably another person’s clothes in it. Walking out of the wardrobe and into the bathroom, there Jenna was lying in the empty bath in her clothes pretending to relax. I loved the things she did!

 The bathroom was a whole different story. There was a giant walk in shower that worked automatically; it had ample space in there. It was pretty cool actually, way better than my broken shower back at home. In front of me was the toilet and to my right were two sinks and two identical mirrors. And then there was a bath. A huge bath that had Jacuzzi features fitted inside it. This was magnificent. Everything in this suite was controlled electrically, which was pretty handy if you were too lazy to open the door.

 Looking at the clock, it read 4.30pm. We decided to unpack our things and chill for a bit before the meal downstairs.

 “Dam, I forgot my hairdryer!” said Jenna, slapping both of her cheeks for feeling so stupid. “I knew I forgot something”.

 “You can borrow mine. I won’t need to use it much because I’ll let my hair dry in the natural sun” I said, flipping my hair back behind my shoulders. Jenna had unpacked all of her clothes and placed them on her shelf that she’d labelled in the wardrobe. Her shoes were lined neatly in one line on the floor, from the tallest heel to the flattest shoe from left to right. She was so organised. Unlike me, all my clothes had creased and were crumpled and I threw them onto the shelf.

 We both walked out to the balcony to admire the view and the heat. Jenna sat herself on the edge of the Jacuzzi, placing the tips of her feet inside the water. I sat on the balcony, looking below me at the pool and the children swimming inside it. An aeroplane passed stating “Welcome to Cyprus, Drew and Jen!”, that was so sweet. I’d always wandered who did that.

 “I wonder what the meal will be” I said to Jenna, applying some sun cream on my pale skin. I offered some to Jenna but she’d brought her own with her, her skin was incredibly sensitive to the sun.

 “It better be a big meal, I’m starving because I only had a small course on the plane!” said Jenna, wriggling her bright pink toes in the water. Her hair was tied back into a messy bun, with a few strands hanging down beside her cheeks which blew in the light breeze.

 My hair was down, leaning against my back. I’d clipped my fringe back because the sun was too hot to bear at times, I didn’t want any trickles of sweat dripping into my hair.

 We decided to make our way down to the restaurant as the clock turned to 5.25pm. Locking the door behind me, we walked down the corridor and into the elevator. We both wore identical clothes, you know like all friends do when they’re on holiday together. We had a lilac vest top and some denim blue buttoned shorts, both complete with a small belt and some flip flops. As we got to the bottom floor, the lounge was packed with hungry people waiting to walk into the restaurant. We were included in this bunch of people.

 A tall, tanned guy passed and waved at both of us. He had dark hair and bright blue eyes. “Merhaba!” he said, grinning at us with his white teeth.

 “What on earth did he just say?!” Jenna giggled, nudging into me.

 “I think he said hello” I said, waving back at the guy. He was very polite to greet us like that.

 The crowd of people began walking into the restaurant, followed by two very hungry people, Jenna and I.

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