Chapter 6

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Hey everyone, this is Chapter 6. Things are starting to get a bit serious and not as boring, but I'm not putting anything dramatic in yet because it's so early in the story. This chapter is dedicated to loopylellylollipopxx cause she's cool. Enjoy :)

Helz :D xx

I had a dream. Well, I think it was more like a nightmare. It was great to start with, but it soon went down hill. It was too painful for me to tell, and I was crossing my fingers that it wouldn’t come true.

I woke up with a splitting headache, you know, one of those where your entire head is throbbing and feels like your heartbeat has moved to your head. Jenna was already awake for a change, sorting out her bag from earlier on in the day.

I moved my head towards my bedside clock. 6.46pm.

“Darn, I’ve forgotten to take my tablets!” I shouted, shooting up from my bed. That was a big mistake. I collapsed onto the floor with a bang, hitting my head on the bed on the way down.

“Oh my, Drew are you ok?” Jenna said, running towards me on the floor. “Sit up and take these, you missed a pair so that’s why you feel like this”. She sat me up on the floor and handed me the tablets and a glass. I gulped them down, and got up slowly.

“You’re so helpful Jenna, I don’t know what I’d do without you” I said.

 “Don’t worry about it, that’s what I’m here for” she replied. “Go and freshen up so we can go down for dinner.”

I walked into the bathroom unsteadily, clinging onto the bathroom sink. I didn’t really feel like eating anything, I’d lost my appetite. I turned the cold tap on and splashed some water onto my face, it felt so nice. I flossed my teeth and sprayed some perfume.

I looked down at my clothes and realised I was still in my beach clothes. Jenna had changed earlier on. I walked into the wardrobe, putting on the first piece of clothing I saw. Dressed in some jeans and a t-shirt, I tied my hair back and made my way lazily to the door.

“I’ll have a shower as soon as we get back so you can chill and have a bath” Jenna said.

“You don’t have to you know, I’m fine” I replied.

“Honest, you can have the bath tonight I’ll have one in the morning. And no, you’re not fine, I can tell when you’re lying” Jenna said.

“Thank you Jen, you’re such a good friend” I said.

Leaving the room, Jenna threw a funny facial expression at me.

“Forgetting something Drew?” Jenna asked.

Looking at the table, I realised I was going to walk out without my phone, money, or the room key which I was responsible for. My head was seriously jumbled up.

“Oops” I said, grabbing them all and locking the door.

We were sat down in the restaurant looking at the menu, when the smell of food hit me at the back of my throat. I placed my hand over my mouth and ran into the hotel toilets. Closing the cubicle door behind me, I threw up, placed the toilet seat lid down and sat there.

What was wrong with me? Was I really that ill? Was I ruining everything for Jenna? Questions were going around in my head; I thought it was supposed to be the best holiday.

I heard footsteps come into the toilets.

“Drew where are you? Open up!” Jenna said.

I slowly opened the door and there Jenna was standing in front of me.

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