Chapter 9

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Hey everyone, so this is Chapter 9. Sorry it's short, I had no idea what to write, but I promise the next one will be longer. Enjoy!

Helz :) xx

Jenna’s POV

 Opening my eyes, I realised it was 9.32am. I must have had a small lie in, I thought to myself. I looked over to Drew’s bed; she was sleeping in the exact same place on the bed as she was the night before. I lifted myself up and went into the bathroom.

The pebbled floor was cold on my bare feet as I dragged myself to the toilet. I splashed some water onto my face and took off my clothes, walking into the shower. I turned the switch and water was forced out of the shower.

It was so nice, I washed away all of the memories of the day before, and of Jake. It hurt deep inside, but I had to get over it. A part of me still loved him, but another told me to stop being so stupid. I washed my hair and just stood there for about 10 minutes. What was the matter with Drew?

I got out, dried myself and placed my hair into a wrapped up towel, then put on my dressing gown. I walked out of the bathroom and into the walk in wardrobe. I tossed on a pair of jeans and a baggy top, leaving my hair wrapped in a towel. Drew was still asleep, in the same place.

“It’s time to get up Drew,” I shouted. No movement.

“Drew wake up sweetie,” I repeated, this time shaking her a little. I began to get worried. “Drew…Drew!”

She wasn’t waking up, no matter how much I shook her. I leaped across the room for my phone and dialled the emergency services. My hand was trembling and tears began to form in my eyes. Then I realised, I didn’t speak Turkish!

“English, Francais, Espaniol?” an operator asked.

“English please,” I yelled down the line.

“Ambulance, Police, or Fire service?” he replied.

“Ambulance,” I said frantically.

“Hello, how can I help you?” a woman asked.

“Hi, my friend won’t wake up, I’ve shook her and everything. She has been ill for a couple of days, vomiting, headaches and passing out. Please help!” I said, trembling.

“We’ll send someone out, where are you?” she asked politely.

“Gunes Hotel, room 301, 8th floor,” I replied quickly.

“They’ve gone out the door. Please stay on the line sweet pea, and let me know if you see any changes to your friend,” the woman said.

“Thank you so much, I’m really worried, she’s been out of it a lot recently,” I replied.

“Don’t worry pet, they’ll be there before you know it,” she said.

While holding the phone I tried waking her up again but there was no response. A few minutes later the door opened and two ambulance men came into the lounge.

“They’re here, thanks,” I said quickly, slamming down the phone. “She’s in the bedroom, over there,” I pointed to the men.

They examined her very quickly, and then turned to look at each other seriously.

“We have to go, NOW,” said one of the men.

They both lifted her off the bed, hurrying as they walked.

“What’s the matter, will she be ok?” I asked without thinking.

“Come with us now,” the other man said.

I threw the towel off my head, not caring about my hair. I slipped some shoes on, grabbed my phone and room key and legged it out into the corridor, following them.


I was then in the ambulance. It was travelling so fast that it felt like I was in a rollercoaster cart, swaying to both sides. Blue lights were flashing frantically and the siren was turned on.

I turned to look at Drew, now wrapped up in a blanket on a stretcher. The man was muttering something to himself in Turkish, I wish I understood.

“Will she be ok?” I asked, feeling worried.

“I don’t know, we have to get to the hospital as soon as possible,” the man replied. “She’s breathing, but we don’t know what’s wrong with her.”

I nodded to show I understood. My best friend looked so ill, and lifeless. I felt so un-useful; I couldn’t do anything to help.  In a matter of minutes we were there. Drew was wheeled quickly out of the vehicle and I ran after her.

We entered the hospital into what seemed like a very long, plain white corridor. We then went into a special department and I was stopped by a doctor’s arms.

 “Hey! Why aren’t I allowed in?” I asked angrily.

“Are you family?” the doctor asked, strictly.

“No, but I’m her best friend! I called the ambulance for help!” I said.

“Sorry, you’re not allowed,” said the doctor, shoving me away from the doors.

He slammed the doors behind him and I could see his figure walk down the empty corridor.

I stood there in the middle of the aisle, with scraggly wet hair and tears streaming down my face.

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